Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
Have you also called PhysObj::update() for each moved object too?
Original comment by
on 1 Feb 2011 at 10:11
yeap... first tried with update... and after with both update and sync
solved it by (remove object.. change pos .... add object) but it's not a normal
Original comment by
on 1 Feb 2011 at 11:06
I'll take a look at this this evening see if I can reproduce and find the bug.
Original comment by
on 1 Feb 2011 at 11:32
I can confirm incorrect behaviour in UniformSleepSpace (BruteSpace and
UniformSpace behave as would be expected) I'll take a quick look to see if I
can find the cause now, though i'm quite tired so it may have to wait till
Original comment by
on 1 Feb 2011 at 11:05
well ... for me it actually happens for UniformSpace when placing a circle
falling on a concave generated with Tools ... but try fixing the USleepSpace
and lets hope it solves it :)
Thx again for looking into it
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 7:59
Oh.. okay then. Do you think you could send me some code that will reproduce
the problem then?
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 8:57
here... made a Main for the bug
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 9:26
Ahah okay, I can't test right now but I can see one error with your code. You
are not allowed to move static objects. Static objects have various
optimisations made for them with the assumption that once it's added to the
space, it will remain in that exact position and shape.
If you want to have a kinematic object (static but moveable by yourself) then
create a normal dynamic object, add it to the space and then afterwards call
physobj::stopAll(). This is also necessary should you want a static object that
still has a velocity (for things like conveyor belts and trampolines).
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 10:08
Oh.. yeah sry.. forgot I read about that... but one more question... In my
situation (making a platformer game) I need to move everything except the
player... so I was wondering if there is anyway to directly correlate the
viewport with the rendered image.. without the need to move the whole world .
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 10:16
It would probably be a lot better if instead, you kept the world still and
moved the player instead, transforming the graphical output instead to make it
look like player remains still on the screen which I guess is your intention.
the viewport is strictly rectangular so the easiest way to fit it to your
rotated screen viewport would be, assuming player is at position px,py in the
centre of the screen of dimensions w,h with rotation (radians) t.
dx = w/2 abs(cos(t)) + h/2 abs(sin(t))
dy = w/2 abs(sin(t)) + h/2 abs(cos(t))
viewport.minx = px - dx
viewport.miny = py - dy
viewport.maxx = px + dx
viewport.maxy = py + dy
(This is totally unchecked but I believe it to be correct) If i'm correct
there, the viewport will always be the smallest viewport that still fits your
rotated screen (So the best that can be done using this feature)
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 10:28
That assumes you actually need to rotate the world relative to the player's
point of view, otherwise the viewport is simply:
viewport.minx = px - w/2, viewport.maxx = px + w/2
viewport.miny = py - h/2, viewport.maxy = py + h/2
and it will always be exactly the right size/shape to fit the screen :P
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 10:29
yeah .. thx for the reply .. that's something I already tried .. and i'm trying
to implement it again. What I was wondering was if there is a way(or at least
should be implemented .. it's not so hard to move the graphics only) .. to
access Body.graphic in a way relative to the viewport and not to the world
sry for all this offTopic posts... but couldn't find a forum :)
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 11:13
wait.. sry forgot i had a movieclip container specially designed for situation
where i have to move the graphics... :) sry for noob question above.
solved by container.x = -viewport.minx; container.y = -viewport.miny;
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 11:46
also as a suggestion... maybe there is but i couldn't find.. there should be a
way [readonly] to check the size of the Space after creation.
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 12:11
my bad above as well.. i was searching for width in Space...
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2011 at 12:17
Original issue reported on by
on 1 Feb 2011 at 9:28