Open mon28 opened 4 years ago
@mon28 what's your training cmd?
@david8862 yolov4.h5 was created as per your command. I tried the below train command.
python --model_type=yolo4_darknet --weights_path=weights/yolov4.h5 --annotation_file=data/trainval.txt --classes_path=data/obj.names --model_image_size=416x416 --multiscale --rescale_interval=50 --learning_rate=0.001 --transfer_epoch=0 --total_epoch=10000 --eval_online --eval_epoch_interval=5 --save_eval_checkpoint --gpu_num=1
@mon28 for custom dataset training, the backbone pretrained weights "cspdarknet53.h5" would be automatically loaded at model construction, so you don't need to load coco pretrained yolov4.h5 again with "--weights_path" again, which may lead to prediction filter number mismatch and errors.
I observe an error while trying to provide the yolov4.h5 model made using custom config file. Where the filters were based on my data.
But the program build of the backend weights of weights/cspdarknet53.h5. and throws an error when the weights_path parameter is pointed at yolov4.h5