davidB / scala-maven-plugin

The scala-maven-plugin (previously maven-scala-plugin) is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.
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Maven Plugin Validation error? Depends on deprecated compatibility layer #709

Closed hildo closed 1 year ago

hildo commented 1 year ago

Hi. When I run a build that uses this plugin with a newer version of maven (3.9.2), I get a validation warning at the end. When I run with maven.plugin.validation set to VERBOSE, I get this message: Plugin depends on the deprecated Maven 2.x compatibility layer, which may not be supported in Maven 4.x


If I have raised a duplicate, I apologize. A search didn't reveal anything.

slandelle commented 1 year ago

Maven 3.9.2 was way too aggressive with these warnings. They fixed this in maven 3.9.3, please upgrade.

hildo commented 1 year ago

Can do! Thanks