davidB / scala-maven-plugin

The scala-maven-plugin (previously maven-scala-plugin) is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.
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Unable to download 4.9.1 through the Maven repository #758

Closed LuciferYang closed 2 months ago

LuciferYang commented 3 months ago



The latest version is still 4.8.1

He-Pin commented 2 months ago

@LuciferYang I see only 4.9.0

slandelle commented 2 months ago

@davidB tried to create 4.9.0 and then 4.9.1 but they never made it to maven central. I deleted the unreleased tags and managed to release 4.9.0 from the latest HEAD. 4.9.1 doesn’t exit yet.

LuciferYang commented 2 months ago

Thanks all ~