davidB / scala-maven-plugin

The scala-maven-plugin (previously maven-scala-plugin) is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.
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Warning "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: ..." #794

Closed dzavodnikov closed 1 week ago

dzavodnikov commented 1 week ago

I have POM:

<project ...>





And I got following warnings:

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:4.9.1:compile (execution: scala-compile, phase: compile)Java(0)
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: net.alchim31.maven:scala-maven-plugin:4.9.1:testCompile (execution: scala-compile, phase: compile)Java(0)

in VSCode. I suppose it can be related to issue 793. UPD: It came in Maven for Java plugin when I open pom.xml.

slandelle commented 1 week ago

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

All references to this error point to eclipse.

in VSCode

No idea what you mean here. Do you mean Metals? If so, that's probably an issue for the Metals project.

dzavodnikov commented 1 week ago

Sorry that confuse with my previous message: It came in Maven for Java plugin when I open pom.xml.

slandelle commented 1 week ago

On contrary to Jetbrains/IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft/VS Code doesn't provide a built-in support nor for Scala nor this plugin.

If you want to use VS Code with Scala, you have to go with a third party extension: Metals.

Closing as invalid.