Open archisman-panigrahi opened 3 weeks ago
I noticed this issue too and reached the same conclusion: the published date is used instead of the issue date.
I don't think the issue comes from doi2bib though: if you request the bibtex directly using the DOI, you get the same date, e.g.
curl --silent -LH "Accept: application/x-bibtex" ''
This returns:
@article{Paschen_2020, title={Quantum phases driven by strong correlations}, volume={3}, ISSN={2522-5820}, url={}, DOI={10.1038/s42254-020-00262-6}, number={1}, journal={Nature Reviews Physics}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Paschen, Silke and Si, Qimiao}, year={2020}, month=dec, pages={9–26} }
Personally, I was fine with these dates, as they correspond to the online publication dates and are not completely random.
Is there any way doi2bib2 can process the publication year and report that instead?
Personally, I was fine with these dates, as they correspond to the online publication dates and are not completely random.
I agree they are not completely random, but a paper needs to be cited the way the journal recommends it (here 2021).
I am trying to generate bibtex entry for this paper
The journal website asks to cite the article as (notice 2021)
doi2bib2 gives year 2020 instead of 2021. The output was this:
The paper was submitted and accepted in 2020, but published in 2021, which could have been the source of the issue.