davidar / markup.rocks

Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.
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Replace Dropbox integration with IPFS #1

Open davidar opened 8 years ago

davidar commented 8 years ago

Instead of opening/saving files using Dropbox, we should use IPFS as the storage backend.

CC: @osener @jamescarlyle @jbenet @diasdavid @bitemyapp @puffnfresh

bitemyapp commented 8 years ago

@davidar what's the current state of hs-ipfs-api? I poked through it a few weeks ago, nothing looked particularly objectionable but I couldn't gauge where it was progress-wise.

davidar commented 8 years ago

State of the Haskell ecosystem


Rating: Immature

@bitemyapp Sorry, I've been neglecting hs-ipfs-api (and I still need to address your PR :/ ), as I haven't really had much practical use for it yet (I'm waiting for IPLD to land). However, if people are interested in getting apps like markup.rocks integrated with IPFS, then it might be a kick in the pants to get the necessary functionality into hs-ipfs-api.

davidar commented 8 years ago

It looks like most of the dropbox-specific code is in static/jsbits.js. @diasdavid Would it be possible to make a drop-in replacement for IPFS?

Ideally, I'd like to be able to link to ...markup.rocks/#/ipfs/<hash-of-file-to-load> which would automatically open the specified file. When you saved the file, it would then update the hash in the URL bar to reference the current version. @osener Would that be difficult to do?

daviddias commented 8 years ago

@davidar 'updatable' hashes are part of the IPNS spec, so it is totally doable :). To load an asset from IPFS on a URL hash (#/ipfs/..), you would have to have some JS code on your markup.rocks app that captures that hash and fetches the file for you, right now that can be done with node-ipfs-api

davidar commented 8 years ago

Loading documents specified by the URL hash now works. Example

jbenet commented 8 years ago

@davidar very nice! thanks. add it to https://github.com/ipfs/awesome-ipfs

davidar commented 8 years ago

also see ipfs/notes#149