davidavdav / ROCAnalysis.jl

Receiver Operating Characteristics and functions for evaluation probabilistic binary classifiers
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AUC 0.1 #2

Closed diegozea closed 6 years ago

diegozea commented 8 years ago

Hi! How can I calculate AUC until FPR (False Positive Rate) 0.1 using this package? Best,

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

Somewhat indirectly, right now.

i = ROCAnalysis.binsearch(-0.1, -r.pfa) ## find threshold where FAR = 0.1
traditionalAUC = 1 + dot(r.pmiss[i:end-1] + r.pmiss[i+1:end], diff(r.pfa[i:end])) / 2

This is the "traditional AUC" sense where AUC → 1 means good discrimination. I personally prefer to work with a sense where auc → 0 means good discrimination. The latter sense is consistent with the rest of the package, where the ROC is drawn with "miss rate" instead of "hit rate" on the vertical axis. In the package, all metrics are "error rate" like, and lower numbers indicate better performance.

Do you work with this kind of AUC a lot? What would be a good interface? something like:

AUC(r::roc, pfa=0.1) ## integrate over false positive rate 0--0.1
AUC(r::roc, pmiss=0.4) ## integrate over false negative rate. 0--0.4
diegozea commented 8 years ago

That would be awesome to have! My group use a lot the classical AUC 0-0.1 and It's common to see this measure in bioinformatic publications. Would be AUC(r::roc, pfa=0.1) the classical AUC0.1 (where AUC -> 1 means good discrimination)? Thanks!

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

Yes, that would be my proposal. I can't find any references of the definition of AUC0.1, but I assume it is the integral under the classic ROC for 0 < false positive rate < 0.1.

diegozea commented 8 years ago

Yes, AUC0.1 (or AUC 0-0.1) are notations for the integral under the classic ROC for 0 < FPR < 0.1.

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

Hi @diegozea ,

Can you tell me what the ROC0.1 of an ideal discriminator is, is that 0.1 or 1.0? Or maybe even 0.9?

diegozea commented 8 years ago

Sure, an ideal discriminator will have an AUC 0.1 of 0.1 * 1 == 0.1. However, R's pROC standardize the partial AUC to be 1.0 for an ideal discriminator:

If a pAUC is defined, it can be standardized (corrected). This correction is controled by the partial.auc.correct argument. If partial.auc.correct=TRUE, the correction by McClish will be applied: ( 1 + ( (auc−min) / (max−min) ) ) / 2 where auc is the uncorrected pAUC computed in the region defined by partial.auc, min is the value of the non-discriminant AUC (with an AUC of 0.5 or 50 in the region and max is the maximum possible AUC in the region. With this correction, the AUC will be 0.5 if non discriminant and 1.0 if maximal, whatever the region defined. Note that this correction is undefined for curves below the diagonal (auc < min). Attempting to correct such an AUC will return NA with a warning.

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

Thanks, the world would look a lot simpler if everybody would think in terms of errors and minimizing them. But there is no way a whole field like bioinformatics would change as a whole... Normalizing between 0 and 0.5 is somewhat easier than normalizing between 0.5 and 1.0...

so, partialauccorrect=true will do this normalization, then?

diegozea commented 8 years ago

I prefer something more simple, like correct=true.

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

This would suggest correct=false gives an incorrect answer. I would call this a normalization. But since this is about pROC compatibility, we could use their terminology. Or make partialauccorrect=true the default.

diegozea commented 8 years ago

I vote for normalize, and use true as default. We don't need to be compatible with pROC, because their auc function takes many partial.auc... keyword arguments after a general partial.auc argument. This is the help of pROC's auc function:

auc                    package:pROC                    R Documentation

Compute the area under the ROC curve


     This function computes the numeric value of area under the ROC
     curve (AUC) with the trapezoidal rule. Two syntaxes are possible:
     one object of class “roc”, or either two vectors (response,
     predictor) or a formula (response~predictor) as in the ‘roc’
     function.  By default, the total AUC is computed, but a portion of
     the ROC curve can be specified with ‘partial.auc’.


     ## S3 method for class 'roc'
     auc(roc, partial.auc=FALSE, partial.auc.focus=c("specificity",
     "sensitivity"), partial.auc.correct=FALSE, 
     allow.invalid.partial.auc.correct = FALSE, ...)
     ## S3 method for class 'smooth.roc'
     auc(smooth.roc, ...)
     ## S3 method for class 'multiclass.roc'
     auc(multiclass.roc, ...)
     ## S3 method for class 'formula'
     auc(formula, data, ...)
     ## Default S3 method:
     auc(response, predictor, ...)


roc, smooth.roc, multiclass.roc: a “roc” object from the ‘roc’
          function, a “smooth.roc” object from the ‘smooth’ function,
          or a “multiclass.roc” from the ‘multiclass.roc’ function.

response, predictor: arguments for the ‘roc’ function.

formula, data: a formula (and possibly a data object) of type
          response~predictor for the ‘roc’ function.

partial.auc: either ‘FALSE’ (default: consider total area) or a numeric
          vector of length 2: boundaries of the AUC to consider in
          [0,1] (or [0,100] if percent is ‘TRUE’).

partial.auc.focus: if ‘partial.auc’ is not ‘FALSE’ and a partial AUC is
          computed, specifies if ‘partial.auc’ specifies the bounds in
          terms of specificity (default) or sensitivity. Can be
          shortened to spec/sens or even sp/se. Ignored if

partial.auc.correct: logical indicating if the correction of AUC must
          be applied in order to have a maximal AUC of 1.0 and a
          non-discriminant AUC of 0.5 whatever the ‘partial.auc’
          defined. Ignored if ‘partial.auc=FALSE’. Default: ‘FALSE’.
allow.invalid.partial.auc.correct: logical indicating if the correction
          must return ‘NA’ (with a ‘warning’) when attempting to
          correct a pAUC below the diagonal.  Set to ‘TRUE’ to return a
          (probably invalid) corrected AUC.  This is useful especially
          to avoid introducing a bias against low pAUCs in bootstrap

     ...: further arguments passed to or from other methods, especially
          arguments for ‘roc’ when calling ‘auc.default’,
          ‘auc.formula’, ‘auc.smooth.roc’.  Note that the ‘auc’
          argument of ‘roc’ is not allowed. Unused in ‘auc.roc’.


     This function is typically called from ‘roc’ when ‘auc=TRUE’
     (default). It is also used by ‘ci’. When it is called with two
     vectors (response, predictor) or a formula (response~predictor)
     arguments, the ‘roc’ function is called and only the AUC is
     By default the total area under the curve is computed, but a
     partial AUC (pAUC) can be specified with the ‘partial.auc’
     argument. It specifies the bounds of specificity or sensitivity
     (depending on ‘partial.auc.focus’) between which the AUC will be
     computed. As it specifies specificities or sensitivities, you must
     adapt it in relation to the 'percent' specification (see details
     in ‘roc’).

     ‘partial.auc.focus’ is ignored if ‘partial.auc=FALSE’ (default).
     If a partial AUC is computed, ‘partial.auc.focus’ specifies if the
     bounds specified in ‘partial.auc’ must be interpreted as
     sensitivity or specificity. Any other value will produce an error.
     It is recommended to ‘plot’ the ROC curve with ‘auc.polygon=TRUE’
     in order to make sure the specification is correct.

     If a pAUC is defined, it can be standardized (corrected). This
     correction is controled by the ‘partial.auc.correct’ argument. If
     ‘partial.auc.correct=TRUE’, the correction by McClish will be


     where auc is the uncorrected pAUC computed in the region defined
     by ‘partial.auc’, min is the value of the non-discriminant AUC
     (with an AUC of 0.5 or 50 in the region and max is the maximum
     possible AUC in the region. With this correction, the AUC will be
     0.5 if non discriminant and 1.0 if maximal, whatever the region
     defined. This correction is fully compatible with ‘percent’.

     Note that this correction is undefined for curves below the
     diagonal (auc < min). Attempting to correct such an AUC will
     return ‘NA’ with a warning.


     The numeric AUC value, of class ‘c("auc", "numeric")’ (or
     ‘c("multiclass.auc", "numeric")’ if a “multiclass.roc” was
     supplied), in fraction of the area or in percent if
     ‘percent=TRUE’, with the following attributes:

partial.auc: if the AUC is full (FALSE) or partial (and in this case
          the bounds), as defined in argument.

partial.auc.focus: only for a partial AUC, if the bound specifies the
          sensitivity or specificity, as defined in argument.

partial.auc.correct: only for a partial AUC, was it corrected?  As
          defined in argument.

 percent: whether the AUC is given in percent or fraction.

     roc: the original ROC curve, as a “roc”, “smooth.roc” or
          “multiclass.roc” object.

Smoothed ROC curves:

     There is no difference in the computation of the area under a
     smoothed ROC curve, except for curves smoothed with
     ‘method="binomial"’. In this case and only if a full AUC is
     requested, the classical binormal AUC formula is applied:


     If the ROC curve is smoothed with any other ‘method’ or if a
     partial AUC is requested, the empirical AUC described in the
     previous section is applied.

Multi-class AUCs:

     With an object of class “multiclass.roc”, a multi-class AUC is
     computed as an average AUC as defined by Hand and Till (equation

                    2/(count * (count -    1))*sum(aucs)                

     with aucs all the pairwise roc curves.


     Tom Fawcett (2006) ``An introduction to ROC analysis''. _Pattern
     Recognition Letters_ *27*, 861-874. DOI:

     David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). A Simple Generalisation
     of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification
     Problems. _Machine Learning_ *45*(2), p. 171-186. DOI:

     Donna Katzman McClish (1989) ``Analyzing a Portion of the ROC
     Curve''. _Medical Decision Making_ *9*(3), 190-195. DOI:

     Xavier Robin, Natacha Turck, Alexandre Hainard, _et al._ (2011)
     ``pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare
     ROC curves''. _BMC Bioinformatics_, *7*, 77.  DOI:

See Also:

     ‘roc’, ‘ci.auc’


     # Syntax (response, predictor):
     auc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b)

     # With a roc object:
     rocobj <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b)
     # Full AUC:
     # Partial AUC:
     auc(rocobj, partial.auc=c(1, .8), partial.auc.focus="se", partial.auc.correct=TRUE)

     # Alternatively, you can get the AUC directly from roc():
     roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b)$auc
     roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b,
         partial.auc=c(1, .8), partial.auc.focus="se",
davidavdav commented 8 years ago


Could you have a look at the current implementation? I think I've got the normalized AUC with limits right, the un-normalized AUC was a little harder.

AUC(tar, non, pfa=0.1)
AUC(roc(tar, non), pfa=0.1)
AUC(tar, non, pfa=0.1, normalize=false)
diegozea commented 8 years ago

I tested it using the example from the R package ROCR, and I get a negative result for pfa=0.01. I don't know where is the error.

julia> using DataFrames, ROCAnalysis

julia> download("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diegozea/ROC.jl/master/test/ROCRdata.csv", "ROCRdata.csv");
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  4018  100  4018    0     0   5350      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5350

julia> rocr = readtable("ROCRdata.csv");

julia> R = roc(convert(Vector{Float64}, rocr[rocr[:labels] .== 1, :predictions]), convert(Vector{Float64},rocr[rocr[:labels] .== 0, :predictions]));

julia> AUC(R) # ROCR 0.8341875

julia> AUC(R, pfa=0.1, normalize=false) # ROCR 0.02780625

julia> AUC(R, pfa=0.01, normalize=false) # ROCR 0.0003296151
davidavdav commented 8 years ago


OK, my AUC integration forgot about line segments not coinciding with the upper bound. (I usually work with lots of points, then the error would be smaller). The current implementation should still be slightly off when you have diagonal ROC segments (caused by identical scores for target and non-target), and this diagonal segment is cut off by the integration upper bound. That is for another day.

rocr[:target] = rocr[:labels] .== 1
r = roc(rocr, score=:predictions)

I get the same values as you quote for the ROCR package. But we probably need more testing.

davidavdav commented 8 years ago

I force-pushed a new version (previous was incomplete), this should handle the diagonal-line-segment ROC curves properly.

diegozea commented 8 years ago

Yes, ROCR examples are working fine in the master branch:

julia> AUC(R) # ROCR 0.8341875

julia> AUC(R, pfa=0.1, normalize=false) # ROCR 0.02780625

julia> AUC(R, pfa=0.01, normalize=false) # ROCR 0.0003296151
davidavdav commented 6 years ago

OK, I'll close this issue since I believe it has been taken care of.