davidbau / seedrandom

seeded random number generator for Javascript
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generating integers within a given range #49

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to generate integers within a given range? Say I need numbers between 44 and 315! How can get it?

jamuspsi commented 6 years ago

I bet the author has a more efficient method than me, but I use something like this:

function randInt(fromval, toval) {
    return Math.floor(fromval + myrng() * (toval - fromval));

randInt(3,7) -> one of 3, 4, 5, 6

function randIntIncl(fromval, toval) {
    return fromval > toval ? \
        Math.floor(toval + myrng() * (fromval - toval + 1)) \
        : Math.floor(fromval + myrng() * (toval - fromval + 1));

randIntInclusive(3,7) -> one of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

(Actually after playing around in jsperf I'm not sure there can be a faster non-native method, so...)

davidbau commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the answer!