davidbauer / Instacurate

Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.
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Embedly returns title and/or publisher as undefined #116

Closed davidbauer closed 9 years ago

davidbauer commented 9 years ago

only in the reddit version.

bildschirmfoto 2014-12-03 um 14 54 22

jackhughesweb commented 9 years ago

I can't seem to reproduce the issue. Have you checked that you're not hitting any rate limits for Reddit or that you haven't gone over your limit on Embed.ly's API?

davidbauer commented 9 years ago

I put in an additional if-clause to leave out the title if it's undefined (seems to be a problem with mostly imgur links), so the cases are reduced now. Rate limits don't seem to be the problem.

jackhughesweb commented 9 years ago

Posts on imgur don't usually have titles, but you could use the title of the post on Reddit instead - I'll send a pull request if you want.

davidbauer commented 9 years ago

Not sure if that's a good solution, since titles on Reddit are often whole sentences, which would make for very long titles on Instacurate.

davidbauer commented 9 years ago

went with your solution, @jackhughesweb. doesn't look so bad after all.