davidbauer / Instacurate

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Follow button in supportbox doesn't display username #35

Closed davidbauer closed 11 years ago

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

I want to add three follow buttons, for me, @dergraf and @backflip in the supportbox. However, the button doesn't display the username, although I copied the exact code from here: https://twitter.com/about/resources/buttons#follow

Any ideas what's wrong here? (currently, only one button is implemented)

backflip commented 11 years ago

Which browser? Works for me in Chrome.

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Chrome + OSX 10.8. Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-04 um 16 54 45

backflip commented 11 years ago

Ah, I just checked the footer.

The problem is that the buttons cannot be reliably initiated when their parent is set to display:none. You have to position the container outside the viewport instead. See pull request.