davidbauer / Instacurate

Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.
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Support of other read-later services #66

Open davidbauer opened 11 years ago

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Currently, only Instapaper is supported.

At least Pocket and Readability should be added. But not as a button cluster, since most users only use one of those services. Users should be able to define their read-later service and this info be saved in the user profile. According to what has been saved in the profile, the respective button is displayed.

http://getpocket.com/developer/docs/getstarted/adding http://www.readability.com/developers/tools

requested by: https://twitter.com/boichot/status/290831656833658880 https://twitter.com/anildash/status/302069586721902592

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

I'm in touch with the Pocket people for the embeddable button, which is pretty much the same element as the one by Instapaper that is already implemented.

Any ideas on how to integrate both buttons? I don't want them next to each other since most users will only use one of them, so no need to always show both.

dergraf commented 11 years ago

theoretically we can store this information on the server side...

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

You mean giving users the option to save their preference?

dergraf commented 11 years ago

yes. we could map such a preference to their twitter handle, which we store already anyway.

On 20 January 2013 13:26, David Bauer notifications@github.com wrote:

You mean giving users the option to save their preference?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/davidbauer/Twitter-Times/issues/66#issuecomment-12469941.

oliverwehn commented 11 years ago

Maybe I missed your point, @davidbauer, but what about replacing the current button with a “read later in …”-button? Acting like a drop down, offering a list of supported services.

I think, @dergraf is right. Why not store user options as a JSON-encoded array with the twitter handle.

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Of course, a dropdown is always possible. I just don't consider it the best UX option since very few users will use both services and decide on a per-article basis which they'd like to use. So it's always two clicks to save for later instead on one right now.

So maybe: Have the dropdown first, then save the user's choice and only display one option from them on.

oliverwehn commented 11 years ago

As I mistakenly posted it in another thread, I repost it here: Just did a quick sketch in codepen. What about somethink like this: http://codepen.io/oliverwehn/pen/Kfptx

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Thanks. Let's put that online once we've built the option to save the user's choice in his profile.

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Info I got from Pocket:

You are certainly welcome to use our embeddable button – details are here: http://getpocket.com/api/buttonsdocs.php

However, you may also consider using our API and register Instacurate as an ‘app’. This way, you can allow users to authenticate with Instacurate and include great features such as direct saving, tagging, and customizing the save button to better match with your site’s design.

You can register for an app on our Developer page here: http://getpocket.com/developer/

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

I started implementing this the way @oliverwehn suggested.

I ran into the following problems:

As always, any hints are welcome.