davidbauer / Instacurate

Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.
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Update Facebook metadata when search is executed #75

Closed davidbauer closed 10 years ago

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

The following properties should be updated.

og:title og:url og:description

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Should work with $('meta[property=og:title]').attr('content', 'new title');, but somehow didn't when I tested it.

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Could it be that this doesn't work because we dynamically build the site each time it is opened?

oliverwehn commented 11 years ago

It should be possible to change the values of the meta tags. But I think it would be pointless in this case, as Facebook would request the pure html page from the server and wouldn’t get any of the information that is injected into the DOM by JavaScript later on.

I guess–in the long run–you’ll need to redesign the whole thing more in a “progressive enhancement” way with more stuff done on server side–at least as a fallback for js-incapable clients.

davidbauer commented 11 years ago

Sounds like fun ;-)