davidbauer / Instacurate

Turn your Twitter timeline into a personalised news site, in an instant. Fetches links from your timeline and displays them in a discovery friendly design.
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factored out a Timeline and a Tweet class #92

Closed dergraf closed 10 years ago

dergraf commented 10 years ago

API (working): new TimeLine(); will figure out if a Twitter user is logged in and show its timeline, if no user is logged in nothing happens new TimeLine('@username'); will show the timeline of another Twitter user

API (not working): new TimeLine('query'); should create a Timeline given a query new TimeLine('list:...') should create a Timeline taking links of a twitter list of the logged in user

Tweaking the TimeLine var tl = new TimeLine(); tl.tweetsToFetch = 200; // nr of tweets it should load in the buffer tl.minNrOfLinks = 12; // nr of links it should present in one cycle (initial load, scroll, auto-refresh) tl.twitterMaxSearchApiRequests = 10; // rate limit of nr of twitter api requests for this timeline tl.autoRefresh = true; // autoRefresh tl.autoRefreshInterval = 60000; // refresh interval in milis

open TODOs:

davidbauer commented 10 years ago

Is there a specific reason you left out the whole label() function?