davidben / merkle-tree-certs

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Downtime lenience #37

Open bwesterb opened 1 year ago

bwesterb commented 1 year ago

[[TODO: If the mirror gets far behind, if the CA just stops publishing for a while, it may suddenly have to catch up on many batches. Should we allow the mirror to catch up to the latest window and skip the intervening batches? The intervening batches are guaranteed to have been expired]]

davidben commented 1 year ago

I suspect the is the same as #2, or at least can be. Unless we want to have both a storage window and allow gaps within the storage window, but that's probably a bit much.

If we say the mirrors can't have gaps, then this equivalent to saying that if you fail to update for a whole storage window, you can just start from scratch and only catch up to whatever range you're expected to maintain in the steady state. Basically as if you were starting over as a new mirror.