davidbrewer / xmonad-ubuntu-conf

My xmonad config for Ubuntu versions from 20.04 all the way back to 12.04! Including package list, config files, and instructions.
MIT License
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Thanks and Reference #14

Closed simlu closed 7 years ago

simlu commented 7 years ago

Started my own repo recently: https://github.com/simlu/xmonad I've tried to keep it a modular and put the user in charge of customization.

Just discovered this repo now and learned a lot already that I want to incorporate. Conversely I thought you might want to take a look at my repo as well!

Thanks again and I hope we can increase the amount of xmonad users drastically in the future!

davidbrewer commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Was interested to look at what you're doing (even if I am about six months late!). I like how your documentation is a bit more modular than mine. :-)

I was especially interested to learn of Taffybar -- to be honest, this has been working for me for 5 or 6 years with very little modification and I haven't really kept up with what developments might have been happening in the Xmonad world. It seems like Taffybar might be a good replacement for both Xmobar and Stalonetray, and I dig simplicity, so I might have to look into a bit of a retool when time allows!