davidbrochart / nbterm

Jupyter Notebooks in the terminal.
MIT License
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Not clear how to run set the kernel for a notebook to C++ #59

Open armaninspace opened 2 years ago

armaninspace commented 2 years ago


I was trying to use a C++ kernel with nbterm. I have already installed the xeus-cling kernel and have it working with my jupyter notebook environment.

I see the "--kernel-cwd" option but nothing that would allow me to specify the kernel name.

Looking through the code I see that kernel_name is a parameter to the KernelDriver initialization but I can't seem to figure out how to specify the C++ kernel.


davidbrochart commented 2 years ago

Hi @armaninspace, There is currently no way to choose a kernel, if you create a new kernel it will use a Python kernel. But that will be a nice improvement, do you want to open a PR?

mtatton commented 2 years ago


I added some basic kernel selection to the nbtermix fork. Feel free to reuse the idea.


Best wishes