davidcaron / pclpy

Python bindings for the Point Cloud Library (PCL)
MIT License
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writing outputs #67

Open Ciaran1981 opened 4 years ago

Ciaran1981 commented 4 years ago

Thanks very much for this great lib!

More of a question than an issue - when processing something such as....

point_cloud.region_growing(norms, n_neighbours=30, min_size=100,
                           max_size=1000000, smooth_threshold=rad,
                           curvature_threshold=1, residual_threshold=0.1)

Is their a mechanism via pclpy to write the results to a new point cloud?

khaoula-elh commented 4 years ago

same question here !

Robin6416KW commented 1 year ago

I try to do this recently, I fallow this article but get some problem, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59396391/how-to-get-a-specific-cluster-after-region-growing-using-pcl-library

the method is feeding the clusters into ExtractIndices then output the specific point. my code is below:

pc = pclpy.read(inpcloud, "PointXYZI") rg = pcl.segmentation.RegionGrowing.PointXYZI_Normal() rg.setInputCloud(pc) normals_estimation = pcl.features.NormalEstimationOMP.PointXYZI_Normal() normals_estimation.setInputCloud(pc) normals = pcl.PointCloud.Normal() normals_estimation.setRadiusSearch(0.35) normals_estimation.compute(normals) rg.setInputNormals(normals)

rg.setMaxClusterSize(10) rg.setMinClusterSize(5) rg.setNumberOfNeighbours(15) rg.setSmoothnessThreshold(5 / 180 * math.pi) rg.setCurvatureThreshold(5) rg.setResidualThreshold(1) clusters = pcl.vectors.PointIndices() rg.extract(clusters)

ext = pcl.filters.ExtractIndices.PointXYZI() ext.setInputCloud(pc) ext.setIndices(clusters[1]) ext.setNegative(False) output_cloud = pcl.PointCloud.PointXYZI() ext.filter(output_cloud)

but the ext.setIndices cloudn't accept the clusters that RegionGrowing's result.

in the article I share, they said that we need to transform clusters using this extract.setIndices (pcl::PointIndicesConstPtr(clusters[cluster_idx]))

but in pclpy, I couldn't find a way to using "PointIndicesConstPtr" function.

this is my progress so far.