davidcaron / pclpy

Python bindings for the Point Cloud Library (PCL)
MIT License
422 stars 59 forks source link

Can this be built with newer PCL #73

Open themightyoarfish opened 3 years ago

themightyoarfish commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to run this on PCL 1.11.1 on OSX and meet this error:

 > bash scripts/generate_points_and_bindings.sh
Warning: Template class specialization not implemented for class CloudGenerator<pcl::PointXY,GeneratorT> in generate.h
Warning: Template class specialization not implemented for class uniform_distribution<T,std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>> in random.h
Warning: Template class specialization not implemented for class uniform_distribution<T,std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>> in random.h
[1150] WARN-enum: nameless enum ['enum', '{', 'IFS_V1_0', '=', '0', ',', 'IFS_V1_1', '=', '1', '}']
[1150] WARN-enum: nameless enum ['enum', '{', 'PLY_V0', '=', '0', ',', 'PLY_V1', '=', '1', '}']
[1150] WARN-enum: nameless enum ['enum', '{', 'MAX_LENGTH', '=', '65535', '}']
[1150] WARN-enum: nameless enum ['enum', '{', 'PCD_V6', '=', '0', ',', 'PCD_V7', '=', '1', '}']
[1134] WARN-enum: empty enum ['enum', 'flags', '{', '}']
[1150] WARN-enum: nameless enum ['enum', '{', 'InputsAtCompileTime', '=', 'NX', ',', 'ValuesAtCompileTime', '=', 'NY', '}']
Warning: Template class specialization not implemented for class has_custom_allocator<T,void_t<typenameT::_custom_allocator_type_trait>> in type_traits.h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "generate_pybind11_bindings.py", line 488, in <module>
  File "generate_pybind11_bindings.py", line 481, in main
    generated_headers = generate(all_headers, skip_macros, not_every_point_type)
  File "generate_pybind11_bindings.py", line 461, in generate
    generated_headers[(module, header)] = generate_header(module, header, path, keep_if_no_instantiation=False)
  File "generate_pybind11_bindings.py", line 443, in generate_header
  File "/Users/rasmus/Downloads/pclpy/generators/definitions/function.py", line 112, in generate_function_definitions
    types = [t[1] for t in template_types_generator(type_names, header_name, group[0].cppmethod["name"])]
  File "/Users/rasmus/Downloads/pclpy/generators/definitions/function.py", line 112, in <listcomp>
    types = [t[1] for t in template_types_generator(type_names, header_name, group[0].cppmethod["name"])]
  File "/Users/rasmus/Downloads/pclpy/generators/definitions/method.py", line 250, in template_types_generator
    raise NotImplementedError(message % attrs)
NotImplementedError: Templated method name not implemented (name=... method=make_shared header=memory.h)

Any advice on whether this can be worked around?