davidcarslaw / openair

Tools for air quality data analysis
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Question]: No data generated after run_hysplit #326

Open morshedahmed17 opened 1 year ago

morshedahmed17 commented 1 year ago

I was able to run the run_hysplit function without any error. However, no data is generated in data_output. image

Harriet723 commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you solve this problem, I had the same problem as you, can I ask how you solved it?Thanks in advance!

jack-davison commented 2 months ago


Apologies for the delay - is this issue still persisting?

If so, please provide your code so I can copy it to my machine. You can format it nicely by surrounding it with backticks, i.e.,


Cheers, Jack

djb561 commented 1 week ago

Hi, I am having the same issue. The code is running without error, but the data_out is empty.

getMet <- function(year = 2013, month = 1,
                   path_met = "~/TrajData") {
  for (i in seq_along(year)) {
    for (j in seq_along(month)) {
        url = paste0(
          year[i], sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"
        destfile = paste0(
          path_met, "RP", year[i],
          sprintf("%02d", month[j]), ".gbl"
        mode = "wb"

getMet(year = 2013, month = 1:12)

            filename = "run_hysplit.R")

data_out <- run_hysplit(
  latitude = 36.134, 
  longitude = -5.347, 
  runtime = -96, 
  start_height = 10, 
  model_height = 10000, 
  start = 2013,
  end = "2013-01-10",
  hysplit_exec = "~/hysplit/exec", 
  hysplit_input = "~/TrajData", 
  hysplit_output = "~/temp",
  site = "gibraltar")
davidcarslaw commented 1 week ago

Hi Dan

I confirm this is not working but the data is on the server and can be downloaded manually. I'm at home today and I think my router has trouble with IPv6, so this works for me (on a Mac), but I need to investigate more deeply.

download.file("https://www.ready.noaa.gov/data/archives/reanalysis/RP202401.gbl", destfile = "~/Downloads/RP202401.gbl", method = "wget", extra = "--inet4-only")
djb561 commented 1 week ago

Hi David,

Thanks for your response. I was able to successfully download the data, however when I run HYSPLIT, my output is empty. Traj_data

davidcarslaw commented 1 week ago

How are you trying to run Hysplit i.e. what year, receptor etc. and is that by using the gist in the openair manual? Separately, It would be interesting to know what you are using the trajectories for - I may have already run a lot of what you might need.


ps. feel free to follow up on the York email address