davidcelis / goodbre.ws

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Lost my likes and fridge. #40

Closed jbieger71 closed 12 years ago

jbieger71 commented 12 years ago

New user today. Great site. Just letting you know that I went through and liked beers and added some to my fridge. I was logged in all day. They were there the first few times I checked but now when I go back everything is gone from my dash. I logged out and in again a couple times. Nothing. All gone.

Let me know if you need any info.

Best of luck. Thanks.

davidcelis commented 12 years ago

Hm. I've just rated a few and I'll keep an eye on them, I hope they don't disappear or I've got a huge problem.

Hopefully that's not the case and something went wrong with only your account; what is your username on the site?

jbieger71 commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the prompt response.

My username is jbieger71

I forgot to mention that after I rated some beers and added a few to my fridge, I then added a brewery and one of their beers to your site. Geaghan's Refueler. I did that last. That gave me some trouble. After adding the brewery, I'd go back to add the beer but the brewery wasn't on the list. I tried it again, same trouble. Though, my likes and fridge, at that time, were still in tact. Later this evening, about 7ish Eastern, I went back to my Dash and had no likes nor fridge.

Hope that's a bit more helpful.

Thanks, again.

----- Original Message ----- From: David Celis To: davidcelis/goodbre.ws Cc: jbieger71 Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 8:13 PM Subject: Re: [goodbre.ws] Lost my likes and fridge. (#40)

Hm. I've just rated a few and I'll keep an eye on them, I hope they don't disappear or I've got a huge problem.

Hopefully that's not the case and something went wrong with only your account; what is your username on the site?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

davidcelis commented 12 years ago

It looks like the beer I added to my fridge is also gone this morning. Shit, that's unnerving. I'll take a look at this ASAP.

davidcelis commented 12 years ago

It looks like the database I am using to store ratings was running out of memory and dying. I'm a bit worried that, for the past day or so, ratings have ended up not being saved. Here's what was happening:

The database would trigger a background save, which forks the process. What this means is it creates a second process for the database which would need to use the same amount of memory that the parent process uses. Because there was not enough memory for this, the background saves would never go through. So, for several hours, the ratings would remain available because they're still in memory. However, the parent process would at some point run out of memory and die. Because a save was never able to be triggered, the parent process would be brought back but the new ratings would never have been saved.

The good news is that I've changed the configuration for the database to permanently save every second. It is hypothetically still possible to have data loss within a second if the server dies, but it's unlikely that this will affect anybody.

The bad news is that these ratings are gone. I am really very sorry about this. I hope you didn't submit too many and that it's not a hassle to re-rate them. I feel really bad about this, but on the bright side, you really helped me out here by pointing out a huge problem. So thank you!