davidchalifoux / kaput-cli

The unofficial CLI client for Put.io - Kaput lets you manage your Put.io account from the comfort of your terminal!
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Upload parent directory #43

Closed bdmorin closed 9 months ago

bdmorin commented 9 months ago

Is it possible to specify the parent directory you want putio to put the completed file after a kaput file upload?

Right now it all goes to my default folder, but I'd like to go to a specific putio folder.

I saw the previous issue #6 and there's an option in there for parent_id= however I don't see how to use it on the CLI.

Thank you for a cool tool!

davidchalifoux commented 9 months ago

Yeah I haven't added that feature in the upload command yet. I can add it once I have some availability.

bdmorin commented 9 months ago

Still learning rust, wasn't able to tackle this myself.

bdmorin commented 9 months ago

Do you think we could have an argument that let's us pass parameters to curl? like -s if we don't need output? I tried using env vars, but it didn't seem to take.

davidchalifoux commented 9 months ago

These features have been added in #44! Let me know if there are other CURL arguments you'd like to be able to pass through.

bdmorin commented 9 months ago

Awesome! Thank you!