davidchall / homebrew-hep

Homebrew tap for high energy physics
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apfel++ 4.8.0 #358

Closed davidchall closed 8 months ago

davidchall commented 9 months ago


Created with brew bump-formula-pr.

release notes
This release contains many developments and improvements, and a few bug fixes. Some of the most important developments are:
- Extension of the python interface to include also the DIS structure functions and other functionalities. 
- Implementation of the O(αs3) TMD matching functions for both PDFs and FFs. A benchmark against RadISH for the TMD PDFs has also been performed (thanks to Luca Rottoli and Pier Monni).
- Implementation of resummation-scale variations for the evolution of αs, PDFs, and TMDs. In the case of αs and TMDs an analytic solution in terms of g-functions has also been implemented.
- Implementation and benchmark against HOPPET of the inclusive DIS structure functions to O(αs3) (thanks to Alexander Karlberg).
- Implementation of the approximate N3LO evolution for PDFs as in the MSHT PDF set (https://github.com/MSHTPDF/N3LO_additions).
- Implementation of an interface to LHAPDF: APFEL++ fills in a LHAPDF grid without dumping it to file allowing for the use of all functionalities of LHAPDF on a set evolved with APFEL++.

In memory of a beacon who went off too early.