davidchisnall / banning-e2ee-is-stupid

Do you think banning end-to-end encryption is plausible? Think again.
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Rubber hose method #2

Open stevemoon opened 10 months ago

stevemoon commented 10 months ago

Nice write-up and sample implementation. One issue I foresee is that in the event e2ee is banned, anyone found to be using it in any form (including this one) is: A) Automatically suspect of being up to no good, possibly providing probable cause (excuse) for point B. B) Subject to being arrested/detained/beaten with a rubber hose/etc. - actual details depending on regime in power and whoever you find yourself in the hands of.

So much like the DMCA - sure you can bypass the rule by technical means, but doing so will itself be illegal and subject to punishment.

Having given the FBI//MI5/moral equivalent in your country probable cause, they may react with a warrant, confiscate all of your electronic devices and let you sit in limbo for years wondering if you will be charged with anything. Not fun, even if they don't beat you or lock you up.

QED: We're all screwed.

zakius commented 10 months ago

this is a very simplified example and with enough motivation you could embed text and data in text, videos and such without being as easy to detect while it's too complex for regular users it ensures no client sided filters are triggered and it's extremely unlikely these messages will be understood before evil plans are realized and that's what matters the most, big bosses will stay safe and able to do whatever they want to do even if some minor grunts get caught, add enough layers of human proxies and you can't trace the metadata back to them