davidclarance / rabm

The `rabm` package provides an interface to the Africa Bird Atlas data.
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`get_species_list` does not drop attributes of columns dropped #5

Open davidclarance opened 5 years ago

davidclarance commented 5 years ago

get_species_list returns the null attributes of the columns dropped inside it. Reproducible example:

nigeria_species_list <- get_species_list("nigeria")


Classes ‘spec_tbl_df’, ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame':    928 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Spp           : int  1109 2540 2660 2650 1144 622 3078 3084 3074 1099 ...
 $ Common_group  : chr  "Alethe" "Alethe" "Ant-thrush" "Anteating-chat" ...
 $ Common_species: chr  "Brown-chested" "Fire-crested" "White-tailed" "Northern" ...
 $ Genus         : chr  "Alethe" "Pseudalethe" "Neocossyphus" "Myrmecocichla" ...
 $ Species       : chr  "poliocephala" "castanea" "poensis" "aethiops" ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols_only(
  ..   Spp = col_integer(),
  ..   Common_group = col_character(),
  ..   Common_species = col_character(),
  ..   Genus = col_character(),
  ..   Species = col_character(),
  ..   Jan = col_skip(),
  ..   Feb = col_skip(),
  ..   Mar = col_skip(),
  ..   Apr = col_skip(),
  ..   May = col_skip(),
  ..   Jun = col_skip(),
  ..   Jul = col_skip(),
  ..   Aug = col_skip(),
  ..   Sep = col_skip(),
  ..   Oct = col_skip(),
  ..   Nov = col_skip(),
  ..   Dec = col_skip(),
  ..   RepRate = col_skip(),
  ..   Records = col_skip(),
  ..   Cards = col_skip()
  .. )