daviddalpiaz / r4sl

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Machine Learning from the perspective of a Statistician using R
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Switch from `caret` to `tidymodels` + FES? #18

Open coatless opened 5 years ago

coatless commented 5 years ago

Move from caret toward tidymodels org w.r.t parsnips and recipes

Consider looking at Max's Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models as well.. Instead of just ISLR.

daviddalpiaz commented 5 years ago

Ha! I was literally just about to submit a similar issue myself. (Basically, "be more tidy" throughout.)

I already reference Max's excellent Applied Predictive Modeling book as suggested reading, and I've have this new book buried in my bookmarks somewhere, but thanks for the reminder, it looks to be much more complete now.

I might take my book in a slightly different direction, mainly focusing on being a reader's first introduction to the basic ML tasks: classification, regression, clustering. Still touching on some of the more practical issues at the end, but then push readers towards Max's books for further investigation.

coatless commented 5 years ago


At some point we probably should try to chat. How's next Friday? Also are you going to be around in the summer or?

daviddalpiaz commented 5 years ago

Next Friday should work. Just let me know a time that works for you. (I'll probably have a 10AM meeting and lift around 12, otherwise my calendar is open.)

Summer is a big unknown. Wherever I am physically, I'll be really available "online" and going to be putting in a lot of time on my "books" and such.