daviddeutsch / yt-sanegrid

YouTube abandoned the subscription grid view. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
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Empty page, indefinite refresh #63

Open samdchuck opened 10 years ago

samdchuck commented 10 years ago

When loading SaneGrid it just gives an empty page, the channels list is correct so it seems to have gotten my account info correctly, but no videos show up. Refreshing just goes on forever.

I tried a different username, the same thing happened, when entering a fake name it told me "Account Not Found". When making my list private I get the "Subscription List Private" message.

Chrome, Safari, Firefox all the same.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

This might be related to this error earlier today: #62

Maybe you could share your username so I can check whether I can reproduce this?

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

I'm having this issue now too.. When issue #62 happened I cleared all cache so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I only say this because it seems to be working fine on another computer. My username is chrisseh1608.

samdchuck commented 10 years ago

I saw #62 but SaneGrid worked fine for me after I saw that post (I went to sleep before you fixed it). I tried other usernames and the same thing happens.

I wiped everything from Firefox and even tried another computer (really old version of Safari) were I hadn't visited SaneGrid yet but the same thing happens. I don't want to wipe Chrome since there are some videos I have yet to watch saved by SaneGrid.

The really weird thing is that in Safari, which I had loaded up for #60 still shows all the videos from then, just not any newer ones, it's also stuck in loading when refreshing. While Chrome doesn't show any videos at all.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

@Chrisseh I also tried clearing my cache, but this still works fine for me. I'm currently still working on filters - will check this next.

@samdchuck I test on Firefox and Chrome, both still work for me, which makes this extra weird. Also: Exporting/Importing of a browser state is also planned for later, if we cannot fix it until then, we could at least have you share the exact state... I'll try to get it in quickly - either the fix or a way for me to test your error better.

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

I have the described error in Opera 12.16 since yesterday.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Alright, managed to reproduce this now, will find a solution.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Ouch, looks like they killed that feed altogether: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=3946

Hot Damn.

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

Oh dear.. Could see this coming though. They trying to force people to use the standard Subs page?

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

Why do they kill all the feeds? I never had problems with "randomly omits videos" or "not reliable". I also wonder if they try to force the people?!

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Well, basically, they force me to use their new v3 API, which gets the same buggy data that the feeds page gets...

What the fuck.

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

This is ridiculous.. Looks like they've shut the door on the RSS feed too: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/chrisseh1608/newsubscriptionvideos

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

yes they have already some days ago :(

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Yup. sigh

I'm also getting a usage restriction error on the new v3. Seems like they have reduced the number of requests you're allowed to make without an API login.

Not sure whether that affects v2 as well, though - trying to check that right now, but when I try to get a developer key at http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/dashboard/ I get a 404. :astonished:

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

That page loads for me fine. Unless you're talking about when you submit the form?

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Nope, don't even see a form. Tried from mobile as well. Same thing. Maybe I'm blacklisted?

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

Ha. That would be unbelievable if you were. No idea why it's not working for you.

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

The site doesn't work for me. No form - error 404

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

It's so strange. I get presented with a screen that asks me to register a developer account.. If I click back then I land on a "Create Project" page. From there I can then click a link to access all of the available API's and actually turn on the Youtube data API. Even though I've never signed up to be a developer.

samdchuck commented 10 years ago

Same as Chrisseh for me for the form.

This is starting to become ridiculous. I actually used the regular feed back when, but the "watched" overlay stopped working, I had to find an alternative, so I found /my_subscriptions. Greatest thing ever I thought. Of course they killed that a couple of days later. Then I resorted to adding all new videos to watch later, where the "watched" overlay still worked. Then they removed the simple add to watch later overlay button in the regular feed making that unusable. Then I found SaneGrid. And now it seems they're killing this as well… I can't go back to the regular feed again.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

I won't stop until I have my precious grid back. And if I have to crawl their damn html in Javascript.

This is personal now.

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

That would be sooo nice! All i know about this:

Many people use this add-on for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/better-youtube-subscription/

I only know this API site for youtube but cant do anything with it: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/activities/list

Once used this RSS-Feed-Creator to get my subs: http://gdata.youtube.com/demo/index.html

Don't know if this helps :-P

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I built it as a separate page to avoid relying on their changes (always a problem with browser scripts) and also because the feed so often misses stuff. Did not expect them to suddenly close stuff down, though, at least I thought that would be less likely than further horrible changes to the feed.

I'll see whether I can get some sort of access to the API. This is just silly.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Weird, now I have /newsubscriptionvideos working again. Maybe this is just a refresh quota in general...

Anybody experiencing this: Roughly how often do you refresh yt-sanegrid?

nickbrooking commented 10 years ago

I am experiencing this, started late last night. I refresh several times a day, maybe up to ten times or so usually.

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

Just fired up Sanegrid again and it seems to be working now.. Is it due to a limited refresh amount?

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Right now, that's the only thing I can make out, yes. For me, I know that I've been testing quite a lot today, so I can see why there might be a problem for my connection. Not sure about everybody else, though.

nickbrooking commented 10 years ago

To be clear, I don't get a blank page, I get the "Subscription List Private" message, even though my subscription list is not private.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I got either of:

But if you just refresh ten times or so, not sure why you would be affected. Maybe wait half a day and see whether it goes away? Could also be that somebody just sat on their internal quota button and the API was messed up - if they change stuff like that, it can take a while until the changes propagate through the userbase.

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

Now working in Opera12.16 after 4 times pressing refresh :)

Chrisseh commented 10 years ago

Yeah mine is pulling new videos fine now. Just need to see if the problem comes back after a day of use if it's a quota issue.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Phew, seems like we dodged a bullet there. Plus I can concentrate on new features now :grinning:

nickbrooking commented 10 years ago

Mine is definitely still not working, fwiw. I'll wait I guess. Back to youtubes horrible feed list for now.

warcode commented 10 years ago

Still not working for me, getting a 403. In Europe.

Rolling maintenance perhaps?

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Europe here as well, if this is rolling, I really want to know how they roll.

On the plus side, almost done with #9 - You'll soon be able to never see any "Munchies" video on the VICE channel ever again! Weeee!

warcode commented 10 years ago

Who knows. I am now getting the 404 on the dev pages, so it seems to be related.

Guess I'll just wait it out.

samdchuck commented 10 years ago

Working again here in Europe. Sadly it forgot everything.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

@samdchuck: Bit puzzled about your data. That usually cannot happen unless you wipe the local storage in the browser (simply clearing the cache doesn't do that).

samdchuck commented 10 years ago

I didn't even clear the cache. I did try a bunch of other user account, made my list private to test but didn't wipe it the data. Doesn't really matter that much, I remembered most videos I hadn't watched and patched the rest together via the main feed and watched history.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Yeah, still not a great thing to happen, though. I have noticed that sanegrid can run into issues when switching accounts, will look into this in the future.

kbillings commented 10 years ago

It doesn't work for me, because I'm getting a 403. Does youtube have something where they have to change something every week? They are so inconsistent.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Yeah, sometimes I think the same. Either that or it's simply very hard to keep such a large API and deployment consistent.

Anyways - again all the more reason for a semi centralized page like this one instead of a browser plugin :wink:

eadslab commented 10 years ago

Wow! Sounds to me like today has been a real trainwreck. Is it possible the jerks are actually trying to stop this from working? At this point, I really wouldn't put it past them.

I'm not getting a 404, just the "subscription list private" message. And until just now, I hadn't loaded the page since last night, so I don't see excessive requests as part of the picture. Unless they're targeting your site as the single source of all the requests from everyone who's using it.

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

I don't think they're doing that. that's the good thing about my approach: Although yt-sanegrid is hosted on GitHub, all requests to the youtube API are made locally from your computer. That way, there is no possible way for them to profile this. The only thing they can do is degrade the API itself and I'm still unsure whether that is happening right now.

And as I've said before: I already have better error reporting on my list. Basically, you shouldn't get a "not found/not public" error on a profile that yt-sanegrid knows exists. Just finishing up this filter business right now since there are a couple of UI changes in there that I want to get done also.

eadslab commented 10 years ago

Do you ever sleep? :-)

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

Currently from 11:30 to 5:30. Sometimes I have to feed a small monkey at 3, though.

Handtuch commented 10 years ago

ytSaneGrid now again only works every 20th refresh or so... :-/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKC6XmsLWVQ

snintendog commented 10 years ago

oddly enough I find after around 9:00 pm EST I can't use sane grid or the rss feed and seems fine by 7:00 am it works again as well as random breaks during the day which fix themselves in 10 mins but the subs page on youtube seems to break around the same times the API maybe the problem more than anything else.

dwoboyle commented 10 years ago

I just wanted to say that I've been having that "account set to private" when it's not problem as well. Refreshing no amount of times seems to fix it. Perhaps it has something to do with the new video player? (which is annoying too. Why would they hide away all the settings in some pop out menu? It's like this YT designers done understand usability.)

eadslab commented 10 years ago

Out of curiosity, I just now (10:45 AM EDT) tried brute force multiple refreshing. On the 9th repeated refresh, it caught and worked. I don't know how this relates to what, but I thought I'd throw it into the works.

Of course, now I'm afraid to touch it... :-)

daviddeutsch commented 10 years ago

@Handtuch Man, that really hits close to home. I'm not really a general hater, but the way YT crams "their way of doing stuff" into your face is getting absurd. I guess that's what happens if you maximise for advertising and not for quality of content.

Then again - I'm more than willing to accept when something simply isn't "for me". If the interface is designed to make stupid people click on stupid content, well, go to town. But I'll be over here building my own little thing, fingers in my ears, chanting "la la la, can't hear you".

@DisembodiedDave Oh boy, that really got me as well. I can recommend the Youtube Center browser extension for that, though - it lets you have the player auto select a certain level of quality. Doesn't fix the player, of course. Then again - With YT going HTML5 video, maybe I will just end up writing my own player :wink:

@snintendog & @eadslab Yeah, once again - sanegrid should give you better information about what's going on. I just opened #67 (and then saw that warcode had already opened #66 :grin: ) to keep track of the progress.