daviddoria / Examples

Many examples of many features of many software packages
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error:UmfPack not a member of Eigen #9

Open naveenkenz12 opened 7 years ago

naveenkenz12 commented 7 years ago

error: ‘UmfPack’ is not a member of ‘Eigen’ Eigen::SparseLU<Eigen::SparseMatrix, Eigen::UmfPack> lu_of_A(AtA);

daviddoria commented 7 years ago

Can you please give more detail on your error report, like which OS you are using, which version of Eigen, which file in the Examples repository you are trying to compile, etc.

I believe you have to do something to the effect of 'apt-get install suitesparse' to allow Eigen to use UmfPack. If you'd like to check this requirement at CMake time, I'd be happy to accept a pull request!