davide-scalzo / react-native-mixpanel

A React Native wrapper for Mixpanel tracking
MIT License
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trackWithProperties not being fired to Mixpanel #136

Open romreed opened 6 years ago

romreed commented 6 years ago

Hi, i have problem. I try to use trackWithProperties but nothing happened. Maybe i made some thing wrong.

import Mixpanel from "react-native-mixpanel" Mixpanel.sharedInstanceWithToken(yourToken) Mixpanel.track("test") //work Mixpanel.trackWithProperties("main success", { phone: phone, }) //work Mixpanel.trackWithProperties("main error", { error: error, token: token, test:"123" }) //not work

natterstefan commented 6 years ago

It looks like I have the same issue with the latest version of react-native-mixpanel (1.0.2). Have you solved the issue in the meanwhile @romreed?

Additional Note:

romreed commented 6 years ago

@natterstefan Hi. No but i write like this Mixpanel.trackWithProperties("main success", obj: { thirst:1, second:2, }, ) //work

in obj i push all data i need. Don't use more then 1 key after " , ". I hope that in the future this bug will be fixed.

natterstefan commented 6 years ago

@romreed Ok. What I see is that (independent from the latest react-native release 0.55.4) version 1.0.2 does not send any track data to Mixpanel when using trackWithProperties. But it does when I downgrade to 0.0.16 (what I eventually do now).

Does this happen to you as well when you downgrade again?

romreed commented 6 years ago

@natterstefan downgrade don't help me.

natterstefan commented 6 years ago

I also get the following error when using Mixpanel.track ==>

Error: Error: Mixpanel instance was not initialized yet. Please run initialize() and wait for its promise to resolve before calling track(...)

But all I do is


I will further look into this and keep this post updated.

romreed commented 6 years ago

@natterstefan try make this Mixpanel.sharedInstanceWithToken(mpProjectToken).then(()=> Mixpanel.track('test') )

romreed commented 6 years ago

@natterstefan i use like this Mixpanel.sharedInstanceWithToken("token") .then(() => Mixpanel.identify(getUniqueID)) .then(() => Mixpanel.set({"$name": DeviceInfo.getDeviceName()}))

natterstefan commented 6 years ago

Thanks @romreed, makes sense I will try it. But it is not stated in the Readme though that sharedInstanceWithToken is returns a promise

romreed commented 6 years ago

@natterstefan i open shareInstanseToken in android saw return promise.You are right.

SimonBao commented 5 years ago

If anyone is having issues with trackWithProperties it may be cause by an API update which now has track handle causes with and without properties.

track(event: string, properties?: Object): Promise<void> {
    if (!this.initialized) throw new Error(uninitializedError('track'))
    if (properties) {
      return RNMixpanel.trackWithProperties(event, properties, this.apiToken)
    } else {
      return RNMixpanel.track(event, this.apiToken)

You can find this at line 60 in index.js https://github.com/davodesign84/react-native-mixpanel/blob/master/index.js