davidearl / webauthn

An implementation of webauthn in PHP on the server side (e.g Yubico 2 and Google Titan keys)
MIT License
129 stars 24 forks source link

Coding standards #17

Closed benjamindoe closed 4 years ago

benjamindoe commented 4 years ago

Breaking Changes!

This edit contains changes to bring the class inline with PHP Standard Recommendations (https://www.php-fig.org/psr/). This will help predictability and code collaboration in the future.

I would suggest that before this pull request is approved, code before this point is tagged a release number e.g. 0.0.1 (SemVer) and code from this point would be new and breaking. This will allow people to use an older codebase if needed. Using SemVer will also help with composer package management.