davidearl / webauthn

An implementation of webauthn in PHP on the server side (e.g Yubico 2 and Google Titan keys)
MIT License
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Windows + FIDO + Securitykey return fmt as packed in the attestationobject #52

Open shiny288 opened 3 years ago

shiny288 commented 3 years ago


I am testing Yubikey securitykey with Firefox 90.0.2 version on Windows 10. In the navigator.credentials.create() API, I am providing the attestation value as "none" . But the response from this API returns the fmt attribute of the attestationobject as "fmt": "packet" which was supposed to be "none". Could anyone let me know if am missing any information.

The same use case when tested on MAC + Firefox + Security key return the attestationobject as "fmt": "none" which is expected.

Thanks in advance!
