davideme / libphonenumber-for-PHP

PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
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South Africa (ZA) Phone number #28

Open DuppyWeb opened 11 years ago

DuppyWeb commented 11 years ago

libphonenumber-for-PHP fails to recognize some South African phone numbers: Example : 27614442211 06 is still active : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_numbers_in_South_Africa

giggsey commented 11 years ago

That number is accepted in both the most recent Java version from Google (http://libphonenumber.appspot.com/phonenumberparser), and works in at least my PHP port (http://giggsey.com/libphonenumber/?phonenumber=27614442211+&country=ZA&language=&region=)

I would suggest looking at one of the ports of this project that has more up to date metadata.