davideme / libphonenumber-for-PHP

PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
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Parsing US number succeeds in tests fails in actual usage #4

Open ajayrungta opened 12 years ago

ajayrungta commented 12 years ago

US number parsing fails because different data is used for countryCallingCodeToRegionCodeMap while testing and actual usage. The mapping for global networks (880 => 001) is present in countryCallingCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting but not in countryCallingCodeToRegionCodeMap.

When the init() is called inside PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance(), it removes US from the supportedRegions array.

At line, http://git.io/CLseew#L235 unset($this->supportedRegions[array_search(self::REGION_CODE_FOR_NON_GEO_ENTITY, $this->supportedRegions)]) resolves to unset($this->supportedRegions[array_search(001, $this->supportedRegions)])

Because the mapping doesn't exist for 001, array_search returns FALSE executing unset($this->supportedRegions[FALSE].

As unset(array[FALSE]) is equivalent to unset(array[0]), it unset the entry for US from the supportedRegions as index for US is 0 in the array.

Hence, parsing US number results into error.

I have attached a possible solution. Please validate and pull.