davidepatti / noxim

Network on Chip Simulator
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Whether the "NOXIM" simulator can be used in CENTOS 7 platform or it strictly designed only for UBUNTU #131

Closed ramapati166 closed 2 years ago

ramapati166 commented 2 years ago

I have tried to install NOXIM simulator in CENTOS 7 ,it is got installed but when I am trying to run it ,it is showing error and as result I could not be able to get the result.Is it possible to use "NOXIM" simulator in CENTOS 7 platform or it strictly designed only for UBUNTU?If anyone has faced the issue or solved it please suggest your valuable advice.

davidepatti commented 2 years ago

yes, it is absolutely possible to compile and run noxim on every unix systems, e.g. any gnu/linux distribution, or even macosx. The script that you find in: https://github.com/davidepatti/noxim/blob/master/other/setup/ubuntu.sh

it's only for ubuntu, but you can easily do one of these things: 1) read the above script and perfome each step manually. The only thing that should change it's only the command for installing packets, for example using "yum" instead of debian/ubuntu "apt install" 2) OR, clone the repository and follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt 3) OR, install a virtual machine with ubuntu and execute noxim form there.