davidepatti / noxim

Network on Chip Simulator
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Is Same Virtual is being used from Input router to the Ouput Router ??? #134

Closed chaitusvk closed 2 years ago

chaitusvk commented 2 years ago

Hi ,

i am newbie ,

while Reading Tx process in Router ... i understood that

  1. while Reservation you are Rasing request for OUTPORT and VC_ID of NEXT_ROUTER INPUT PORT
  2. But in in reservation method which reserve You are including request. While forwarding

int o = reservations[rnd_idx].first; int vc = reservations[rnd_idx].second;

this reservation suppose tobe with VC corresponding to NEXT_ROUTER_INPUT VC please confirm me ..

But if (!buffer[i][vc].IsEmpty()) Checking for VC in Present router Port Buffer & (buffer_full_status_tx[o].read().mask[vc] == false) ) and Cheking for Same VC as in Present Router With NEXT_ROUTER

Have You Updated Flit VC_ID any where ??

i think this is not Truely Virtual Channel Protocal ... it is Worm hole Routing

i am Newbie . If i am wrong .. am Sorry

davidepatti commented 2 years ago

First of all, VC and Wormhole are not mutually exclusive: you can use VC in wormhole, VC it's just a way to allocate physical buffers between different flows. When not specifying the usage of VCs, you actually use them anyway, but there's only one single VC. As for the meaning of the vc values, I suggest you to enable verbose log mode by uncommenting this line on bin/Makefile #DEBUG := -g -DDEBUG

then redirect the output so that you can follow the story of each single flit and understand what's going on: ./noxim <some parameters> > mylog.txt

chaitusvk commented 2 years ago

Thank you ...