davidepatti / noxim

Network on Chip Simulator
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Reading buffer values inside Router Rxprocess functions is not accurate. #148

Closed cgraider closed 1 year ago

cgraider commented 1 year ago

Hi. (i'm using accessnoxim) i'm trying to cout buffer.size inside functions of rxprocess(which is called by [SC_METHOD]) and trying to see the increasing rate of the function. when i use cout buffer.size inside rxprocess i get accurate result which is increment/decrement by 1 but when i cout inside of functions defined in rxprocess (routingfunction for example) i get skipped results like 0 1 2 6.

why this happens?

davidepatti commented 1 year ago

I don't understand what do you mean by "functions defined inside rxProcess()". rxProcess() is a method, that calls other methods (functions) So when you invoke "cout" from other functions, then they just maybe are NOT executed at each cycle... By the way, can you give me a practical example of two lines in the following file where putting the "cout" gives this effect? REFERE TO THIS FILE

cgraider commented 1 year ago

My mistake, i was putting cout inside Routing function which it doesn't get called every cycle it only get called when there is a input packet.