davidepedranz / alfred-timetracker

Track your time on Google Calendar 📅 using Alfred.
MIT License
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Feature request: Connect timetracker with reminders #6

Open vavta opened 1 year ago

vavta commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your work, I love your workflow!

I want to propose a new feature:

If I start a time tracker, selecting a reminder from my (default) reminders list would be very helpful.

Benefits: Reminders and timetracker would be more in sync, and I would stop using “general work” as my goto name for my tasks.

davidepedranz commented 1 year ago

Happy to hear it is helpful! I built it initially for myself, but it was a pity not to share it.

About your proposal: it makes sense and should be easy to implement.

However, before going for it, I would like your opinion on an alternative that a colleague of mine proposed: have the workflow remember the latest tasks and propose them in the prompt while typing (a kind of autocompletion, but based on your history).

The user experience while starting a new task is similar to what you propose. The difference is that it doesn't require storing a pre-made list. The downside is that it offers slightly less control.

vavta commented 1 year ago

Thanks for replying promptly. This solution also sounds very reasonable. It makes a lot of sense, especially if you have many repeating tasks like meetings, work on the same project etc..

Still, I think if you have more fragmented and non-repeating work (reading and writing of documents, coding, meetings, experimenting in the lab, analyzing data, building prototypes, mails, etc.) things might get complicated fast. In my case, I don't work exclusively on one project or one kind of task for an extended period of time.

In my proposal, I was not so much thinking about a premade (category) list but rather taking the entries of an apple reminders list, which acts as my inbox/backlog of my to-dos.

Having said this, maybe a premade list would be a good (intermediate) solution? Having several categories to quickly choose from and add an individual identifier / name would be helpful too and at the same time flexible.

Again, I cannot stress enough, how good your workflow is! It is the first solution for time tracking that makes sense to me, since it writes to my calendar and obeys KISS.