davidferguson / pibakery

The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wifi is not started when using AT #142

Open wilfredkl opened 6 years ago

wilfredkl commented 6 years ago

Wifi does noet work if you enter country code AT. Error in log stating that country code is not set. works when changed to GB. checked the iso standard just to be sure this is the correct country code and it is. havent tried other countries but may need checking aswell.


exocode commented 5 years ago

I tried it with 2016-03-12-jessie-minibian.img with the settings you did (also AT, I am in Austria): It worked for me.. What I did not see in your screenshot is, if you also added the "On First Boot"-block before the "Setup WiFi"-block like so:

bildschirmfoto 2018-08-02 um 16 21 44

davidferguson commented 5 years ago

@exocode I think this is the first reported success of someone using an image other than Raspbian or Raspbian Lite!

@wilfredkl Hmm, that's odd. The block just sets it in the wpa_supplicant.conf file, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work. I'll ask Raspberry Pi if there's any issues with country codes next week.

davidferguson commented 5 years ago

The country codes are forced to be required on a Pi 3+, and the newer Stretch versions (Feb 2018 and beyond). I'm guessing you were using Raspbian from then or onwards, @wilfredkl?

I'll investigate with my Pi 3+, and see if I can solve this.