davidferguson / pibakery

The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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First boot wifi issue with raspbian strecht ? #172

Open romaindudek opened 5 years ago

romaindudek commented 5 years ago


First of all, thanks a lot for this wonderfull app ! Great idea and great dev !

I'm facing a little issue wich I think might be related to latest images of debian (strecht)... I need my pi to connect via wifi at the fisrt boot as I need some downloads to occur at first boot to complete my configuration process...

And I dont think it works properly... I have to wait for about 4 minutes10sec before the wifi process is complete (wich I think is the duration of the loop in the waitForNetwork.sh script).

And I wonder about the os.system("wpa_cli reconfigure") instruction in the wifiConnect.py file...

I think (maybe) it is not enough to relaunch the wifi daemon...

Do you have any idea ? Maybe adding sudo ifdown wlan0 sudo ifup wlan0 would work ?

Thanks !

oliveiraallex commented 5 years ago

I fixed this issue in this PR https://github.com/davidferguson/pibakery/pull/174 You can fix in your SD card editing the same line file wifiConnect.py before insert in the Raspberry. What is happening, is the command wpa_cli reconfigure is selecting another interface (p2p-dev-wlan0) and not the wlan0. So you need to set this parameter "-i wlan0" to its work.

oliveiraallex commented 5 years ago

While the fix is not merged, you can also create a block "Run Command" on First Boot with the command below. It will create the correct line in the file. This block needs to be the first block.

ex -s -c '49i|os.system("wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure")' -c x /boot/PiBakery/blocks/wifisetup/wifiConnect.py