davidferguson / pibakery

The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Recipe with custom block appears blank #55

Open dsbert opened 7 years ago

dsbert commented 7 years ago

When importing a recipe that contains a custom block, if that custom block has not been added in the current session, then the workspace appears to be blank. Right clicking on the workspace reveals that there are actually blocks present, they are just not visible.

If a custom block was used in a recipe, the program should attempt to automatically import those blocks again when the recipe is imported. If the blocks cannot be imported, then at the very least the custom blocks should be replaced with some sort of error block placeholder.

davidferguson commented 7 years ago

The reason I didn't implement this was because the drag-drop blocks are intended for developers testing new blocks in PiBakery before they are submitted into the main application, while Importing and Exporting are for end users to share configurations with each other.

Although it would be good to have the drag-drop imported blocks included in the recipe file, it would be a bit of work, as the block file would need to be compressed into a single file, and then added into the recipe file.

For the moment I won't be adding this, although in the future I will consider it (but it anyone wants to submit a pull request for this they'd be more than welcome).