davidfig / pixi-cull

a library to visibly cull objects designed to work with pixi.js
MIT License
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Import without Node.js #16

Open gburlet opened 3 years ago

gburlet commented 3 years ago

First of all, thanks for the library! Really important for optimization so thanks for putting this together and maintaining.

I started setting this up last night following the code snippet in the README and it's not quite working as presented for non Node.js users like myself.

README setup tutorial:

or grab the latest release and use it:
<script src="/directory-to-file/pixi.js"></script>
<script src="/directory-to-file/pixi-cull.min.js"></script>
    var SimpleCull = new PIXI.extras.Cull.Simple();

☝️ the latest release link in README maps to pixi-viewport, not the releases for pixi-cull btw

Running this setup, it can't find Cull in PIXI.extras. In fact, the PIXI object does not have extras. I can't see anywhere in the source where this gets added to PIXI.extras - it looks like it just creates classes Simple and SpatialHash in the global scope, so I tried calling those. Constructing Simple using var viewFrustumCuller = new Simple(); also results in an error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Simple is not defined
    at setupUI (pixibox.js:61)
    at t.value (mini-signals.js:93)
    at e._onComplete (resource-loader.esm.js:2233)
    at resource-loader.esm.js:2271

To get this to load I had to rip out all of the top-level export wrappers in the pixi-cull.js build. It now loads but not sure if it's working yet.

So my question here is: is this a bug or am I setting this up incorrectly?

Mirroring #3 and reopening because issue still remains. Perhaps it's just a matter of updating the docs for ease of understanding how to set this up. Would be great if this was namespace scoped like other pixi libraries: for example, pixi-filters when I include pixi-filters.js I can access everything with PIXI.filters.GlowFilter.

Using latest version of PIXI: 6.0.0-rc.3 on WebGL 2

davidfig commented 3 years ago

PIXI moved away from supporting PIXI.extras. Have you tried pixi-cull with import or require() instead? That's how I usually use it. If needed, i can go back and ensure it's properly exporting to the window object. Let me know.

Vardan92 commented 3 years ago

Having the same exact issue here

davidfig commented 3 years ago

The bundling system for pixi-cull is old. I need to redo it. I'll try to get it to it this week.

davidfig commented 3 years ago

I updated the projected to v2.0.1. It is now accessible via the window.Cull variable. See the README.md for more information. Let me know if you run into any problems!