davidfig / pixi-viewport

A highly configurable viewport/2D camera designed to work with pixi.js
MIT License
1.04k stars 174 forks source link

Clampzoom doesn't seem to work #469

Open voidcenter opened 11 months ago

voidcenter commented 11 months ago

https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-viewport/ demo code:

// import { Viewport } from 'pixi-viewport' // use with modern build toolchain

import { stars } from './stars'
import * as target from './target'

const WORLD_WIDTH = 2000
const WORLD_HEIGHT = 2000
const STAR_SIZE = 30
const BORDER = 10

// see https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-viewport/jsdoc/ for full API documentation
// uncomment out the plugins or change options to experiment with how the viewport works
let viewport

export function create(renderer) {
    // create the viewport
    // viewport = new Viewport({    // use with modern build toolchain
    viewport = new pixi_viewport.Viewport({
        // screenWidth: window.innerWidth,              // screen width used by viewport (eg, size of canvas)
        // screenHeight: window.innerHeight,            // screen height used by viewport (eg, size of canvas)
        worldWidth: WORLD_WIDTH,                        // world width used by viewport (automatically calculated based on container width)
        worldHeight: WORLD_HEIGHT,                      // world height used by viewport (automatically calculated based on container height)
        // threshold: 5,                                // number of pixels to move to trigger an input event (e.g., drag, pinch) or disable a clicked event
        passiveWheel: false,                            // whether the 'wheel' event is set to passive (note: if false, e.preventDefault() will be called when wheel is used over the viewport)
        // stopPropagation: false,                      // whether to stopPropagation of events that impact the viewport (except wheel events, see options.passiveWheel)
        // forceHitArea: null,                          // change the default hitArea from world size to a new value
        // noTicker: false,                             // set this if you want to manually call update() function on each frame
        // ticker: PIXI.Ticker.shared,                  // use this PIXI.ticker for updates
        interaction: renderer.plugins.interaction,   // InteractionManager, available from instantiated WebGLRenderer/CanvasRenderer.plugins.interaction - used to calculate pointer position relative to canvas location on screen
        // divWheel: null,                              // div to attach the wheel event (uses document.body as default)
        // disableOnContextMenu: false,                 // remove oncontextmenu=() => {} from the divWheel element

            direction: 'x',                // (x, y, or all) direction to drag
            // pressDrag: true,                 // whether click to drag is active
            // wheel: true,                     // use wheel to scroll in direction (unless wheel plugin is active)
            // wheelScroll: 1,                  // number of pixels to scroll with each wheel spin
            // reverse: false,                  // reverse the direction of the wheel scroll
            // clampWheel: false,               // clamp wheel (to avoid weird bounce with mouse wheel)
            // underflow: 'center',             // (top-left, top-center, etc.) where to place world if too small for screen
            // factor: 1,                       // factor to multiply drag to increase the speed of movement
            // mouseButtons: 'all',             // changes which mouse buttons trigger drag, use: 'all', 'left', right' 'middle', or some combination, like, 'middle-right'; you may want to set viewport.options.disableOnContextMenu if you want to use right-click dragging
            // keyToPress: null,                // array containing https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/code codes of keys that can be pressed for the drag to be triggered, e.g.: ['ShiftLeft', 'ShiftRight'}
            // ignoreKeyToPressOnTouch: false,  // ignore keyToPress for touch events
            // lineHeight: 20,                  // scaling factor for non-DOM_DELTA_PIXEL scrolling events (used for firefox mouse scrolling)
            // friction: 0.95,              // percent to decelerate after movement
            // bounce: 0.8,                 // percent to decelerate when past boundaries (only applicable when viewport.bounce() is active)
            // minSpeed: 0.01,              // minimum velocity before stopping/reversing acceleration
            // noDrag: false,               // disable two-finger dragging
            // percent: 1,                  // percent to modify pinch speed
            // factor: 1,                   // factor to multiply two-finger drag to increase the speed of movement
            // center: null,                // place this point at center during zoom instead of center of two fingers
            // axis: 'all',                 // axis to zoom
            // percent: 0.1,                // smooth the zooming by providing the number of frames to zoom between wheel spins
            // interrupt: true,             // stop smoothing with any user input on the viewport
            // reverse: false,              // reverse the direction of the scroll
            // center: null,                // place this point at center during zoom instead of current mouse position
            // lineHeight: 20,              // scaling factor for non-DOM_DELTA_PIXEL scrolling events
            axis: 'x',                 // axis to zoom

    // viewport.bounce({
    //     sides: 'all',                // all, horizontal, vertical, or combination of top, bottom, right, left(e.g., 'top-bottom-right')
    //     friction: 0.5,               // friction to apply to decelerate if active
    //     time: 150,                   // time in ms to finish bounce
    //     bounceBox: null,             // use this bounceBox instead of { x: 0, y: 0, width: viewport.worldWidth, height: viewport.worldHeight }
    //     ease: 'easeInOutSine',       // ease function or name (see http://easings.net/ for supported names)
    //     underflow: 'center',         // (top/bottom/center and left/right/center, or center) where to place world if too small for screen
    // })

    // viewport.animate({
    //     time: 1000,                     // time to animate
    //     position: null,                 // position to move viewport
    //     width: null,                    // desired viewport width in world pixels (use instead of scale; aspect ratio is maintained if height is not provided)
    //     height: null,                   // desired viewport height in world pixels(use instead of scale; aspect ratio is maintained if width is not provided)
    //     scale: null,                    // scale to change zoom(scale.x = scale.y)
    //     scaleX: null,                   // independently change zoom in x - direction
    //     scaleY: null,                   // independently change zoom in y - direction
    //     ease: 'linear',                 // easing function to use
    //     callbackOnComplete: null,       // callback when animate is complete
    //     removeOnInterrupt: false,       // removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
    // })

    // viewport.clamp({
    //     left: 10,                // whether to clamp to the left and at what value
    //     right: false,               // whether to clamp to the right and at what value
    //     top: false,                 // whether to clamp to the top and at what value
    //     bottom: false,              // whether to clamp to the bottom and at what value
    //     direction: 'x',           // (all, x, or y) using clamps of [0, viewport.worldWidth / viewport.worldHeight]; replaces left / right / top / bottom if set
    //     underflow: 'center',        // where to place world if too small for screen (e.g., top - right, center, none, bottomleft)
    // })

        minWidth: WORLD_WIDTH,                 // minimum width
        minHeight: WORLD_HEIGHT,                // minimum height
        maxWidth: WORLD_WIDTH,                 // maximum width
        maxHeight: WORLD_HEIGHT,                // maximum height
        minScale: null,                 // minimum scale
        maxScale: null,                 // minimum scale

    // target.start()  // starts the target moving
    // viewport.follow(target.get(), {
    //     speed: 0,           // speed to follow in pixels/frame (0=teleport to location)
    //     acceleration: null, // set acceleration to accelerate and decelerate at this rate; speed cannot be 0 to use acceleration
    //     radius: null,       // radius (in world coordinates) of center circle where movement is allowed without moving the viewport
    // })

    // viewport.mouseEdges({
    //     radius: null,           // distance from center of screen in screen pixels
    //     distance: 20,           // distance from all sides in screen pixels
    //     top: null,              // alternatively, set top distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
    //     bottom: null,           // alternatively, set bottom distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
    //     left: null,             // alternatively, set left distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
    //     right: null,            // alternatively, set right distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
    //     speed: 8,               // speed in pixels/frame to scroll viewport
    //     reverse: false,         // reverse direction of scroll
    //     noDecelerate: false,    // don't use decelerate plugin even if it's installed
    //     linear: false,          // if using radius, use linear movement (+/- 1, +/- 1) instead of angled movement (Math.cos(angle from center), Math.sin(angle from center))
    //     allowButtons: false,    // allows plugin to continue working even when there's a mousedown event
    // })

    // viewport.snap({
    //     topLeft: false,             // snap to the top-left of viewport instead of center
    //     friction: 0.8,              // friction/frame to apply if decelerate is active
    //     time: 1000,                 // time for snapping in ms
    //     ease: 'easeInOutSine',      // ease function or name (see http://easings.net/ for supported names)
    //     interrupt: true,            // pause snapping with any user input on the viewport
    //     removeOnComplete: false,    // removes this plugin after snapping is complete
    //     removeOnInterrupt: false,   // removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
    //     forceStart: false,          // starts the snap immediately regardless of whether the viewport is at the desired location
    // })

    // viewport.snapZoom({
    //     width: 0,                   // the desired width to snap (to maintain aspect ratio, choose only width or height)
    //     height: 0,                  // the desired height to snap(to maintain aspect ratio, choose only width or height)
    //     time: 1000,                 // time for snapping in ms
    //     ease: 'easeInOutSine',      // ease function or name(see http://easings.net/ for supported names)
    //     center: null,               // place this point at center during zoom instead of center of the viewport
    //     interrupt: true,            // pause snapping with any user input on the viewport
    //     removeOnComplete: false,    // removes this plugin after snapping is complete
    //     removeOnInterrupt: false,   // removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
    //     forceStart: false,          // starts the snap immediately regardless of whether the viewport is at the desired zoom
    //     noMove: false,              // zoom but do not move
    // })

    // create elements
    stars(viewport, STAR_SIZE, BORDER)
    border(viewport, BORDER)

    // fit and center the world into the panel
    viewport.moveCenter(WORLD_WIDTH / 2, WORLD_HEIGHT / 2)

function border(viewport) {
    const line = viewport.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics())
    line.lineStyle(10, 0xff0000).drawRect(0, 0, viewport.worldWidth, viewport.worldHeight)

export function get() {
    return viewport
voidcenter commented 11 months ago

I think it stopped working because of wheel({ axis: "x"})