davidgiven / ack

The Amsterdam Compiler Kit
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make hangs at lang/m2/comp+next_c #280

Open kenrector opened 1 year ago

kenrector commented 1 year ago

Without changing anything in the makefile, in a fresh repository downloaded today, on a Mac OS X running 10.15.7 make hangs when it gets to:


I did a make clean and tried again with same result.

here are the preceding n output:

main.a(l_states.o) has no symbols /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ranlib: file: /tmp/ack-build/obj/lang/cem/cemcom.ansi/cemcom/main/cemcom/main.a(tokenfile.o) has no symbols lang/cem/cemcom.ansi+cemcom lang/cem/cemcom.ansi+pkg lang/m2/comp+chartab_c lang/m2/comp+tokenfile_g lang/m2/comp+llgen "/tmp/ack-build/obj/lang/m2/comp/tokenfile_g/tokenfile.g", line 49: (Warning) terminal PROGRAM not used "/tmp/ack-build/obj/lang/m2/comp/tokenfile_g/tokenfile.g", line 50: (Warning) terminal COERCION not used "/tmp/ack-build/obj/lang/m2/comp/tokenfile_g/tokenfile.g", line 51: (Warning) terminal CAST not used lang/m2/comp+parameters_h lang/m2/include+headers lang/m2/comp+em_m2/main/char lang/m2/comp+next_c

langleyVa commented 7 months ago

I worked around it by deleting line 69 (nice) in https://github.com/davidgiven/ack/blob/db5a32c68c4a60ca26a3927a799ea662b5b2b0e5/lang/m2/comp/build.lua#L69.

The whole build step seems to have been left over when in 04f723b4 the system of keeping markers in C files that are then fixed with sed in build, seems to have been ripped out of the modula part. The file arguments to the build step have been removed. That's why sed hangs, without file arguments it waits for stdin input.

Removing the line seems to have no adverse effects, it builds and tests fine. I don't have the time right now to get confident enough to prepare a PR with the fix, so I'll just document it here for David.