davidgiven / cpmish

An open source sort-of CP/M 2.2 distribution.
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Parallel/peripheral projects, informational #15

Open Allisontheolder opened 4 years ago

Allisontheolder commented 4 years ago


That is the URL of a lot of Z80 C material for the CP/M environment.

Several I use/have that being te, small editor, MESCC a very good K&R C that can compile it self on a z80 system, ZSM assembler, a unix like shell, and some utilities like unix cat.

All of it GPL-V2. Keeping it both source (also binaries) and available for use. I've had much of it for since forever and did a look to see if its current status had changed. It had not and there was more if anything added. I have updated my library to add the new material.

MESCC is a branch of the SmallC compiler and is very good K&R style compiler. There maybe a preference for ANSI but I use K&R style for small projects, its the form I know from using unix V6 on PDP-11 way back when. It also seems to like the code from here ( fewer minor edits)..

Allisontheolder commented 4 years ago

Additional sources for many useful bits are at http://www.classiccmp.org/cpmarchives/

Look at the SIG/M archives as those were all PD and source included: http://www.classiccmp.org/cpmarchives/ftp.php?b=cpm%2Fmirrors%2Foak.oakland.edu%2Fpub%2Fsigm

The above is a single line.