davidgiven / fluxengine

PSOC5 floppy disk imaging interface
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Implement smart MFM error correction #385

Open davidgiven opened 2 years ago

davidgiven commented 2 years ago

There's some cunning code here for correcting single-bit errors: https://www.techtravels.org/2008/03/error-correction-using-hamming-distances/

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to help with missing bit errors, which I think I see more often. It's also focused on the terrible Amiga XOR checksum.

kristomu commented 2 years ago

The problem is simple enough in theory: given certain transformations (corresponding to errors), reverse as few transformations as possible so that the data matches the checksum. Stack Overflow has some information about doing bit error correction with CRC here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3788570

There's a certain number of bit errors that it can definitely correct; if you go beyond this, it may get it right, but otherwise it would coerce the data into matching the CRC without the data itself being correct. And in the latter case, we wouldn't be able to tell that the data is wrong - so it either shouldn't be applied beyond its capacity to definitely correct errors, or it should give a big warning if told to do so. I'm not sure what the math would be like for bit insertion/deletion errors rather than just bit flips.

Missing flux transitions have been more common in my experience too; I have some badly damaged floppies where e.g. an 100101 has become an unnaturally long 10001. You could in theory try inserting a bit when encountering these very long sequences, but (at least in my experience) the media's often too far gone at that point and there are too many ambiguous sequences. Or if it's not, repeated reads get it right.

(That's from the perspective of formats that use an actual CRC instead of Amiga's XOR checksum)

The easiest way to do a bit insertion check would be to just insert a flux transition into the raw stream, then decode and see if the CRC matches, and try this for every position of the flux stream. It ought to be doable, if a little slow.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 year ago

I'd be really pleased to see some progress on this one. Is there anything I can do?

If it helps I can supply flux files from marginal discs with single-sector checksum failures which can be verified when the sector is corrected (both by sector checksums and by testing of the file content, which is a compressed file).

kristomu commented 1 year ago

I have worked a bit on and off on a smarter decoder, see https://github.com/kristomu/flux-analyze/tree/master/csrc. The main thing holding it back is that it's using the old FluxEngine format rather than the protobuf-derived one, and that the code is specific to the IBM MFM format. If you have any corrupted or marginal IBM MFM floppies, they'd be welcome; or if you know C++ and could write a replacement for get_flux_record() for the protobuf-derived format, that would also be useful.

I haven't implemented bit insertion/removal yet, but it does support the ordinal search strategy mentioned near the end of #170 .

(I think ND floppies use the IBM MFM format, but I haven't actually tried any of them.)

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 year ago

The marginal image I'm looking at just now is unfortunately not an IBM floppy, it's from a Victor 9000 format (Actually written on a Victor Vicki). Using a Greaseweazle fluxengine reads it mostly OK, there are five bad blocks. It's here if you want to take a look at it:


There are two files, a flux file and the decoded image file.

If that's no use to you I can probably find quite a few marginal IBM PC floppies and I could let you have some flux files from those.

I can do C++ but looking at the flux-analyze code it would take me a long time to get up to speed. Without spending some time brainstorming with someone familiar with it, the time required might be longer than I have left on this planet...

kristomu commented 1 year ago

From what I could gather, the Victor 9000 uses GCR, a format type that I don't know much about. I could look into it, but it would take time, so IBM MFM floppies would be more useful - any of the platforms listed at http://cowlark.com/fluxengine/doc/disk-ibm.html.

As for flux-analyze, I agree it's not the easiest code to read, since it's quite experimental. A stand-alone reader that returns the flux data (raw flux transition timings) for the modern FluxEngine format would also work, though; I should be able to turn that into a module for flux-analyze to read modern FE files.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 year ago

Yes, the Victor uses GCR. Of the IBM flux files which I have readily available, the few with marginal spots unfortunately contain information which I can't make public. It's late, tomorrow I'll look for some with less sensitive content. I'm sure there will be a few.

It may take a little time to locate them, but I need to go through them anyway so it's probably better use of my time to do that than it would be of your time to look at Victor files. Stay tuned.

GWHAYWOOD commented 1 year ago

I have four scans of an IBM format MFM 3.5" DSDD floppy with marginal sectors.

The tarball is almost 8Mbytes.

Would you like to know more about it before you decide whether or not you want it?

If not, how would you like to take it?

davidgiven commented 12 months ago

@kristomu I'll admit to not having looked at what kind of errors occurred in any great detail; the ones I've noticed were missing-pulse errors resulting in the bitstream losing sync. This is most noticeable with MFM when a string of 00 suddenly becomes ff as the clock bits start getting treated as data bits. What kind of success rate were you seeing with the CRC error correction?

(Although, given the way the drive works, I'd have expected flux transitions to be early or late but not completely missing, so I'm not sure how this actually happens in practice.)

kristomu commented 12 months ago

I've mostly focused on clock/band reconstruction and dealing with very long flux recordings, so I haven't done much of the CRC recovery yet.

For the Python version of flux-analyze, I wrote a very quick and dirty edit distance check that would take the MFM encoding of A1A1A1 corrupted with a single insert, delete, and up to three transposition errors. This is in approx_search.py. Usually this makes no difference, but for very heavily corrupted fluxes, it sometimes allows more sectors to be recovered. One example is track/RETRY-77-4-t73.0 in the flux-analyze repo: corrupted sector detection increases the number of good sectors from 7 to 9.

In principle, this idea could be extended all the way to full IDAMs because there's a limited number of values one can take.

It should in principle be easy to insert a bit in every position and see if the CRC changes. The only thing I'm concerned about is trying too many modifications and have something coincidentally get a valid CRC even when it's wrong. A more sophisticated approach like the article would be more safe, as it would only try to add bits where the decoder detects an MFM error.

I'm not sure how missing flux transitions happen on the analog level. The FDD has a differentiator for detecting sharp transitions. Maybe what happens is that this sharp transition gets smeared over a larger area due to demagnetization, so the differentiator never triggers? Seeing the actual analog data would be very useful, but I don't know anyone with a good enough scope.

kristomu commented 12 months ago

@GWHAYWOOD Ideally I'd take an old (SQLite) .flux, but something that can be transformed to a FluxEngine flux file would also work, as I could just use an old version to transform it. Or FE reader code for the new protobuf format.

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago


This is all rather new to me and I do not understand the terminology.

I do not know what you mean by "an old (SQLite) .flux.

Is there a document describing the history which I can read?

Is it possible for me somehow to produce such an old type of file using the current Fluxengine software and the Greaseweazle which I am currently using to scan discs? I'll be happy to do that for you if I can.

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago


My oscilloscope might be good enough, I imagine 100MHz bandwidth would do.

It's under my desk, I can't remember the last time I powered it up.

Tomorrow I'll see if it still works.

davidgiven commented 12 months ago

I do not know what you mean by "an old (SQLite) .flux.

The first versions of FluxEngine used a different file format for .flux files which stored all the data in an SQlite database file. This worked really well, but it essentially made the binary format unknowable --- the only way to access the data inside the file was through the SQlite database software. So I changed it to something based on protobufs. This is almost as easy to use, software-wise, but has a defined encoding and can be read without needing the protobuf library.

FluxEngine does have support for exporting flux files as various other things, including vcd signal analyser files. These are plain text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_change_dump Might this be easiuer to read?

kristomu commented 12 months ago

I could use any format that the original FE could convert to a flux file. I'm not sure what format the Greaseweazle outputs natively; all my dumps were through a KryoFlux.

For lack of something better, I should be able to use modern FluxEngine .flux files by converting to per-track .au files, but I can't seem to get FE to cooperate. With ./fluxengine rawread -s RETRY-77-4-t69.0.flux -d au:test_au with a converted version of RETRY-77-4-t69.0.flux, the FE program complains about not knowing the tpi, sector size, etc., even though that shouldn't be relevant to the conversion I'm trying to do. With an image read like ./fluxengine read ibm -s RETRY-77-4-t69.0.flux -o test.img --copy-flux-to au:test_au it says there are no sectors, and nothing gets written to the test_au directory. The input flux is very distorted so I wouldn't be surprised if FE can't find any sectors, but that shouldn't stop it from doing a raw conversion.

The best (longer term) solution would be to have a proof of concept program that shows how I could use the FE sources, e.g. something that just reads a flux file, picks some track, and outputs the flux delay values (20 31 35 etc) for that track to cout. I should be able to integrate that with my C++ tool pretty easily.

@GWHAYWOOD Regarding analog capture: I found an extremely detailed manual for a 5.25 in FDD here: https://hxc2001.com/download/datasheet/floppy/thirdparty/Teac/10180320_FD55_Maint_1985.pdf Maybe it could be useful?

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago

The TEAC manual will be incredibly useful, thank you.

I feel the urge to find a FD55 drive to play with.

davidgiven commented 12 months ago

Okay, something's definitely wrong there. The tpi stuff was an experiment which didn't work and I need to remove it. It's also possible that the au writer is simply broken. I'll take a look when I get the chance.

Regarding a simple program to dump the flux bytecode: the src/fe-inspect.cc actually does that. It does use all the internal FluxEngine functionality, though. However, as the flux file is a protobuf, you should be able to compile the .proto file (lib/fl2.proto) and then use this standalone to load a file.

kristomu commented 12 months ago

@GWHAYWOOD I should be able to use modern FluxEngine .flux files. I'll just have to familiarize myself with protobuf and/or wait for the au functionality to work first.

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago


[Quote :me :yesterday] My oscilloscope might be good enough, I imagine 100MHz bandwidth would do. It's under my desk, I can't remember the last time I powered it up. Tomorrow I'll see if it still works. [/Quote]

Made it. Just. It still works. The AC/DC switch on channel 1 seems to need attention but other than that it's fine.

Would it make sense if I you point me to one or two track images, I write them to a floppy, and we see what it looks like when viewed on the 'scope?

davidgiven commented 12 months ago

If you can record the analogue flux level and the digital output and produce a VCD signal analyser file, that'd be really interesting to see --- I've only ever worked at the digital level. Being able to see the flux level before and after the amplifier would be nice too.

kristomu commented 12 months ago

I'd say seeing the analog flux level for the pre-amp output - equivalent to TP4 in the manual's figure 304 - would be useful. From a working floppy (doesn't really matter which), but also from a marginal or definitely corrupted one to see just what happens on the analog level to make transitions disappear or data loss happen in general.

The FluxEngine can of course (and unfortunately) not write marginal or corrupted tracks, as the floppy drives can't.

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago

@davidgiven - At the moment I'd be able to display and measure the flux and digital levels (measurements of signal voltages on the oscilloscope screen). As it's a dual trace oscilloscope I could display both the flux value and the digital output after processing, but apart from photographing the screen I don't have the facilities to record those values. Obviously a track can have kilobytes of data so it's unrealistic to expect to display all that on a single sweep of the oscilloscope beam. You could 'home in' on a particular part of the data using a trigger such as the index pulse and a delayed sweep, but timing jitter might start to be a problem for lengthy delays (like tens of milliseconds). It could depend on where on the track the interesting marginal bit was. If it's in sector 1 it might be OK. I could knock together something like an ADC and sample the output fairly easily but I don't have any clue what sort of precision and sampling rates etc. I'd need to aim for. If you can help with some numbers it would save me quite a lot of brainstorming. I don't know what's in a VCD signal analyser file but I guess that's the least of my worries.

@kristomu - I follow your logic. I might be able to get something useful from one of the 5.25" drives here which has relatively little Large Scale Integration on the board so that there are enough places to poke the probes. I think I have enough information about it to find the necessary measurement points. I will get to that, bon't hold your breath.

kristomu commented 12 months ago

@davidgiven I've found a simple, though tedious if not optimized, way to improve recovery rates. As I understand it, floppy disk controllers use a compensation system to deal with the clock slowly changing throughout the track (drift or warp). This can be implemented using exponential weighted averaging. From some VHDL source that (I think?) implements a part of a PC floppy controller, in effect it uses this with a smoothing constant alpha set to 1/2. By having a reasonable idea of the clock and then decoding the flux, in my case to an MFM stream, it can recover sectors that are hard to deal with otherwise; and by varying the constant (e.g. try once at alpha=0.5, see what sectors are recoverable, then try alpha=0.6, see what sectors are recoverable, etc), it's possible to get even more.

It's not quite the same thing as this kind of error correction, but it's surprisingly effective on my very messy images, e.g. on https://github.com/kristomu/flux-analyze/blob/master/tracks/RETRY-77-4-t69.0.flux I get 18 good sectors out of 20. In #170, keirf comments that FE only seems to get 6 good sectors.

My MFM decoding code is at https://github.com/kristomu/flux-analyze/blob/master/csrc/pulse_train.cc get_MFM_train_dewarp_historical(), but it should in principle be adaptable to any format. The difficult part is making it fast, e.g. by marking areas of a flux as having already been decoded to a good sector.

GWHAYWOOD commented 12 months ago

Coincidentally I've been doing (trying to do) something similar today, working with .scp files. As you say, it is very tedious. Sometimes it seems to me that different areas of a disc will respond better to different tweaks of the settings.

I have found that the results given by 'fluxengine merge' to merge .flux files have been very good.

Is there a way to merge .scp files in similar fashion?

Almost by accident I found the specification for the .scp file:


Is there a similar document for the .flux file format which I can get my hands on?

If all else fails I can script something to merge the individual good sectors into a disc image, but I don't want to waste effort by re-inventing wheels.

davidgiven commented 12 months ago

@kristomu For merging SCP files, you can use FluxEngine. Use rawwrite to convert them from scp to flux, do the merge, and then rawwrite will convert them back to SCP again.

@kristomu That's really interesting. I'll admit to not understanding the maths on this stuff; the existing algorithm simply measures the interval between pulses and buckets by clock rate. The clock is calculated from the bit pattern at the start of each record, so provided the clock is reasonably constant within a record, it should happily cope with a changing clock throughout the track. But having a better algorithm would be really good. My main issue is whether this is generalisable to encodings other than MFM. Is it relying specifically on the clock bits, or does it synchronise on any bit (if it's present)?

kristomu commented 12 months ago

The first one there should probably be @GWHAYWOOD not me :-)

It synchronizes on every transition, making a guess based on the relation between the transition length and the clock delay.

The very high order logic goes like this (using half-clocks which are periods of length equal to half a clock):

The only MFM details this algorithm uses are what the reasonable range is (if pulse length is > 4, then it skips), and that every MFM pulse is an integer number of half clocks. MFM uses two, three, or four half-clocks (1.5, 2, or 2.5 clocks). So it should be relatively easy to adapt to other formats as long as they use multiples of half-clock lengths.

Currently I try different values of alpha. I imagine the rejection interval (3/4 ... 9/4) could also be tuned, but I think the effects would be less there.

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

I hope this isn't going off on a tangent, but I came across something called 'recover', which was written by one Emil Laurentiu of Romania, apparently around the turn of the century. At the tme of writing the only copy that I've been able to find is item number 661 here:


I've only just found it, and so far my searches have come up with nothing more recent and nothing more about Mr. Laurentiu, but I wonder if he or anyone else took it any further. A couple of posts in a retro computing forum seemed to be saying that recover.exe was quite good at its job. The source is included in the archive linked above. I feel the urge to build it for Linux but time is short.

kristomu commented 11 months ago

About Revive: from a cursory read of the docs, it seems to have three strategies:

The first part should be relatively easy to port, but I don't know how interleaving works. Searching for corrupted sector metadata chunks (IDAMs) in the right rough location (just before a data chunk) may be easier.

I tried doing the second back when I was doing things in Python, but never had much luck; you need the probability of an erroneous read at any of the troublesome spots to be less than 50%, but usually it was greater, so a voting method-averaged result had more errors, not fewer.

The third is something I've been kicking around in my mind but haven't implemented. Possibly it can be done more robustly with sequence alignment algorithms. It shouldn't be too hard in theory (errors are local so differences wouldn't be long, and the A1A1... header gives a common starting point). But it would take considerable work: as you said, time is short. Emil also notes that the ability of the CRC to detect further errors is often lost due to the combinatorial explosion.

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

Moving on with this now I'm starting to get my head around some of it, is there a way to output what I'm going to call the 'raw bit stream' from a flux file? By 'raw bit stream' I mean the stream of flux reversals which represents everything on - for example - a track, but which is still - again for example - MFM encoded data, that is the flux reversals as shown in the graphic at the end of section 1.3 in this excellent article:


The ideal for me would probably be a bit stream like the one in the line prefixed with 'X' in that graphic.

My objective is to look at the signals in the drive and to tinker with the digitized data at the level of flux reversals. I want to be able to see bits on the oscilloscope screen and (relatively) easily associate them with the corresponding bits in the data stream. I guess I'm a way from being able to do that at the moment but I can now more or less see the path I need to take to get there.

kristomu commented 11 months ago

The FluxEngine format stores delays between pulses. You can get them by using the inspect command. For instance:

./fluxengine inspect -s FILENAME.flux -c 1 -h 0 --dump-flux|less

will dump the delays found on track 1 head 0 to the console. They look like this:

     1.958: ==== 000001      2.000 +2.000 = 0.5 clocks
     5.874:-==== 000002      6.000 +4.000 = 1.0 clocks
     9.790:-==== 000003      9.917 +3.917 = 1.0 clocks

which (I think) in this case means that from where the recording started, 2 us passed before a flux transition, then 4 us, then 3.917 us, and so on. For the line

1.958: ==== 000001      2.000 +2.000 = 0.5 clocks

The first number gives the number of us since the start of the recording, then the flux transition count (this is the first transition/reversal), then the cumulative number of us, then the number of us since last transition, and finally the number of clocks it interprets this as being. I'm not sure why the first number doesn't match the cumulative number.

IIRC, MFM works in half-clocks, so 0.5 clocks correspond to a bit pattern of "10" (one half-clock = one zero), 1 clock to a pattern of "100", so above you have "100100" (again as far as I understand, we have to throw away everything up to the first transition because we don't know if the head started in the middle of a stretch between two flux reversals).

I don't know how to get the raw stream (here "100100"). The documentation mentions replacing --dump-flux with --dump-bits (which is meant to be --dump-bitstream) but its output doesn't seem to match my manual decodes. Maybe @davidgiven knows?

davidgiven commented 11 months ago

Are you trying to get at it directly from the flux file, or from with the FluxEngine codebase? If the former, look at the bytes field here: https://github.com/davidgiven/fluxengine/blob/master/lib/fl2.proto

The bytecode itself is very simple; the bottom six bits are the interval in ticks, and the top two bits are F_FLUX_PULSE and F_FLUX_INDEX show whether a data pulse or an index pulse are detected. Look at https://github.com/davidgiven/fluxengine/blob/master/protocol.h for these, as well as the tick length.

Note that each track can have multiple flux reads!

fluxengine inspect can be used to read the bitstream, but it needs to be given a clock. Without it, it'll try to guess based on a interval histogram. This is not the algorithm used by the real code, which works by looking for the sync pattern at the beginning of each record and setting the clock from that.

When showing the pulsetrain, inspect puts clock/4 on the Y axis, but then shows the precise timing of each pulse on the right. Naturally these almost never line up with the clock. No attempt is made to tidy up the pulsetrain, so what you see is what comes off the disk.

I'll take a look at fixing the VCD exporter (which is broken).

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

Thanks both. I'm looking at the flux file.

Up to now I've been looking at many discs in a couple of drives. Today I started looking at the same disc in a dozen drives. That's been interesting. Now I have a disc which reliably gives me two bad sectors on two of the drives, and one bad sector on two other drives.

I'd like to be able to follow the decoding, to home in on a sector which decodes to something which doesn't produce the correct CRC, and find out where it goes wrong and why. At the moment when I find a bad sector and I want to do something about it I feel like three blind men with an elephant. All I have at the moment is wild guesswork. I want to be able to try things because of reasoning instead.

I suppose I was hoping that something somewhere code might do the hard work for me, e.g. look for the sync pattern and output a bit stream starting from there and ending at the end of the track. To produce an image of the disc data, something must have to do something like that anyway.

VCD - value change dump? Sort of sounds like it might be the kind of thing I'm looking for.

davidgiven commented 11 months ago

If you use the GUI, and read a disk, you can click on the track to get a visualisation of the track layout complete with record and sector layout. If you zoom in far enough it will show you that raw bits and underlying pulses. I found it very useful. It's the thing at the bottom of this image: https://github.com/davidgiven/fluxengine/blob/master/doc/screenshot.jpg If you can suggest any more tooling to add, I'd be happy to consider it. (Also the 'disk explorer' from the main menu is useful for decoding disks.)

Re manually looking for a sync pattern: that would actually be an easy thing to add to the inspect tool. (And maybe to the disk explorer too. Hmm.)

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

I think I'm challenged in the GUI department. That's one reason I don't normally bother with them. The machine I'm working on for most of this stuff is headless and doesn't run X. I've now built fluxengine-gui on my desktop machine, and I've copied three .scp files from the headless box to look at them with the GUI. The three files all show the same disc read at different times in three different drives, and there are different numbers of bad sectors on each read. Only one of the sectors is bad on all three. That's the sort of thing I want to be looking at.

I feel like I'd like to have a text file for each disc (or track) which just contains the raw bit stream as it came from the drive, something containing a single line like


or ideally something with two lines like the two in the diagram mentioned in my last. I've attempted to reproduce those lines below but by the time they've been processed by github's servers and your browser they won't look anything like I'd like them to look. They're supposed to be fixed pitch.

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1... -0010010010010101010101001000101...

Obviously the lines would be very long. :) But if they were just text files I could do whatever I want with them, including things like using 'diff' to home in on where things change from one read to another. Those are the interesting, er, bits.

Using fluxengine-gui I don't see anything resembling what you describe to examine a track.

How exactly do I "click on the track" to see the fine detail? I've looked everywhere I can think of and I can't see anything to click...

davidgiven commented 11 months ago

The trouble is that there isn't a raw bitstream from the drive. Floppy drives are fundamentally analogue devices and the pulses wander all over the place. Trying to align them to a clock is the hardest part of the decode process.

You can get something with this:

./fluxengine inspect -s BrotherSpreadsheet.flux --manual-clock-rate-us=2 --dump-bitstream

This will do a crude clock alignment and show you bits, but it won't adapt very well. You can also do --dump-raw to assemble the bits into bytes, and --dump-raw --mfmfm to do an equally crude MFM/FM decode before dumping

Re the GUI: to get at the track visualiser:

There's also the Disk Explorer, which is similar to inspect but with easier controls. Set up as for a read, put press 'Explore' rather than 'Read'. You can then adjust the clock, track, side, decode type, and the all-important offsets to see what's going on on the disk.

kristomu commented 11 months ago

flux-analyze now supports reading the protobuf FluxEngine format, so @GWHAYWOOD I can now accept .flux files of your corrupted IBM images. I may be able to get something done to print per sector bitstreams too, if I have the time.

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

@davidgiven - Er, yes, I know there isn't a raw bitstream from the drive, I thought that's why I was using fluxengine. Maybe my reasoning is off somewhere. It goes like this: at some point, something somewhere has to come up with that bit stream so it can be decoded into the sectors that we're all ultimately looking for from the disc. Fluxengine decodes the MFM bit stream for an IBM disc, or the GCR bit stream for a Victor disc, to produce what I'll call a 'track image' bitstream. This is then processed ((identify start of track, identify sector headers and data, discard headers, calculate CRCs, etc. leaving a hopefully error-free string of sectors)) into an image of a part of the filesystem. Therefore it must at some point be taking the bit stream before the MFM/GCR decoding and turning it first into the track data, and then finally into the filesystem bytes. I just want it to give me that bit stream before it does all the decoding.

Is there something wrong with my logic?

As far as working with the GUI is concerned, I'm using an .scp flux file from an IBM format disc, and I've selected "Supercard Pro (.scp)" from the drop-down menu below "Format:". In the box headed "Format and format options" I have the default "ibm" in the drop-down, and under the list headed "$formats" I have the '1440kB 3.5" 80-track 18-sector DSHD' radio button selected. The disc is a standard 3.5" DSHD floppy which contains the first part of a zip file which was supplied to me a little over 24 years ago on two discs.
This is the last line of stdout after the read:

IMG: wrote 80 tracks, 2 sides, 1440 kB total to SPEDILINK_JAN_99_1A_of_2.img

This is a directory of that disc image, produced by 'mdir' from the 'mtools' package: 8<-------------------------------------------------------- Volume in drive : is PKBACK# 001 Directory for ::/

SPCPROD ZIP 1457664 1998-12-01 10:40 1 file 1 457 664 bytes 0 bytes free 8<--------------------------------------------------------

When I click the 'Read disk' button I get the following message:

"this drive can't handle this image, because the drive TPI doesn't divide neatly into the layout TPI".

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago


Sounds like progress! If you would like to have the images of the discs I've been talking about in the last couple of days please let me know, I'll be happy to make them available for you to download. Technically speaking they are proprietary information, but (1) the information was supplied to me a quarter of a century ago, (2) its supplier ceased to exist several years ago, and (3) nobody in his right mind would be the slightest bit interested in it now anyway. It's the prices and descriptions of ten or twelve thousand items of stationery. Its only possible use now is to demonstrate a few marginal flux transitions on an old magnetic medium. As it's a single zip file which spans two discs, the correctness of decoding can be verified with complete certainty, independently of any CRC checks on the raw track data.

I have at least three different reads of the same disc with 1, 3 and 6 bad sectors. I'm hoping that eventually I'll be able to look at the bit stream from the decoding operation together with the analogue signal from the AGC amplifier in the drive, and marry the two together in time so I can see on the 'scope exactly where the read goes wrong on a drive where it goes wrong, and, in the same place, where it doesn't go wrong on a different drive.

By then I hope to have learned something. I find that quite exciting, but then by the standards of normal people I'm probably a bit odd. If what I learn turns out to be "it doesn't work that way" it won't be the first time of course, and I'm prepared for that if not resigned to it.

davidgiven commented 11 months ago

It's more complicated than that, unfortunately.

What FluxEngine does is it looks for a pattern of pulses with gaps in a specific ratio --- e.g. 2, 3, 2, 3, 1. This corresponds to the sync sequence at the beginning of a record. Once that's found, by measuring the actual times of those gaps it can determine the clock. So, it finds the records before it knows what the clock is. Only once the clock is found is the rest of the record is read, and only after that does it goes through GCR/MFM decoding.

Each record is decoded independently and can have different clocks, which should make FluxEngine relatively robust against disk warping (it probably isn't, but it should be).

There are actually some debug options which will cause the decode process to dump the raw bitstream for each record and then the decoded bytes of each sector. Add --decoder.dump_records=1 or --decoder.dump_sectors=1 to enable it.

Re: $formats: oh look, a bug.

Re the tpi error: damn, I didn't realise that bug was hitting there. You'll need to press the Customise button and add drive.tpi = 96 and layout.tpi = 96 (or 48, as the case may be). I'll need to fix that.

kristomu commented 11 months ago

@GWHAYWOOD Sure, just send either the images or a link to them to [removed]. I'll remove the address once I've got the images so that I don't get spammed by github scrapers :-)

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

@kristomu - you can remove the link. :)

@davidgiven - Thanks for the tip about TPI, I'd never have got there on my own. It doesn't seem to get me very much further forward, I can get a little rectangular map of the sectors, but I don't know what the sector colours mean. Clicking on one of the tracks opens another pane but there seems to be no way to zoom in as you described it. See attached. What OS do you normally use? I guess you know I'm on Linux.

Next I'll work on the debug output which you described, that sounds very promising.

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

If I'm supposed to be able to see the files that I attached to my previous post then that's another github feature that isn't working for me.

davidgiven commented 11 months ago

@GWHAYWOOD On the sector map, green means a good sector, red one which was found but is bad, and blue is a sector which should be there but isn't. In the track visualiser, use the mouse wheel to scroll (I should probably add manual controls for people who don't have one!).

GWHAYWOOD commented 11 months ago

@davidgiven: We still don't seem to be playing from the same score. :(

Here are the two images I tried to attach yesterday (and again today, with the same null result)

http://www.jubileegroup.co.uk/misc/fluxengine-disc_sectors_display.png http://www.jubileegroup.co.uk/misc/fluxengine-sector_display.png

As you can see the sector display seems to be telling me that roughly half the sectors weren't found, and yet the disc is full and I can read the data in the image. There's no red block for the single bad sector in the read. I still don't know what a brown/orange block means.

Mouse with a scroll wheel, huh? I'll go look for one. :)