Wordgrinder crashes/gives error when trying to open (as in "Load document set...") a non-wg file:
Lua error: [string "src/lua/fileio.lua"]:615: attempt to call missing method 'close' of table
[string "src/lua/fileio.lua"]:615 function LoadFromFile
[string "src/lua/fileio.lua"]:623 function LoadDocumentSet
[string "src/lua/main.lua"]:167 function WordProcessor
[string "src/lua/main.lua"]:436 function Main
I deleted this line, so now it just gives the warning: [file] is not a valid WordGrinder file
Wordgrinder crashes/gives error when trying to open (as in "Load document set...") a non-wg file:
I deleted this line, so now it just gives the warning:
[file] is not a valid WordGrinder file