davidgohel / officer

:cop: officer: office documents from R
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Citation in R using 'citation("officer")' should probably not include '_' symbols #585

Open Tristan-Kistler opened 2 weeks ago

Tristan-Kistler commented 2 weeks ago

When running: citation("officer") in R, the output is:

citation("officer") Pour citer le package ‘officer’ dans une publication, utilisez :

Gohel D, Moog S (2024). officer: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents. R package version 0.6.6, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=officer.

Une entrée BibTeX pour les utilisateurs LaTeX est

@Manual{, title = {officer: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents}, author = {David Gohel and Stefan Moog}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.6.6}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=officer}, }

It seems to me the underscrores ('_') should not be present in: officer: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents

PS: love your great work! Very useful package, thanks a lot! :)

davidgohel commented 2 weeks ago


I am sorry, I can't see any _, where do you see it?

Tristan-Kistler commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, indeed, GitHub's editor interpreted the '_' symbols so that they were not visible anymore (seems to code for italic).

The console output is as attached as image (to avoid interpretation of the symbols). citation_officer

Maybe they are wanted. I just saw them appearing in my article (edited in word) when copy pasting the console output as raw text, in which case they are unwanted... Maybe they should be there in bibtex as they will be interpreted, but not in the first past of the citation("officer") output?

davidgohel commented 2 weeks ago

Ah 😅 i see These are mardown délimiters for italic

Tristan-Kistler commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, sorry for wasting your time! :p Have a nice day and thanks again for your great work :), I think I use your packages almost every day haha