davidgovea / react-native-wheel-datepicker

Android & iOS iOS-style Picker & DatePicker Components for ReactNative
13 stars 18 forks source link

Localizing Week/Month names #16

Open davidgovea opened 4 years ago

davidgovea commented 4 years ago

This fork has now been forked a few more times, mostly to customize month/day display. PR #14 is also related to this challenge.

The library provides some "label" functionality, but it's not enough.

Wanted to start a discussion here -- some options:

While researching, I came across this library: https://github.com/henninghall/react-native-date-picker It implements locale-awareness at the native level, and also has other features like cross-platform color customization. I'm considering moving my personal projects over and not investing in improvements to this library.

mikehardy commented 4 years ago

That link looks pretty good - I'm generally of the opinion that the most important code is that which I don't right (if I can get away with it) or that which I help maintain actively. But I'm at my limit on maintenance at the moment, so not writing it would be more important for me. That other library looks pretty well done and well used / maintained