davidhalter / jedi

Awesome autocompletion, static analysis and refactoring library for python
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Enum name auto-completion without parentheses #1974

Closed jhonabreul closed 6 months ago

jhonabreul commented 7 months ago

python.analysis.completeFunctionParens setting allows to enable/disable whether parentheses are added on function/class name auto-completion, including enums.

It could be a good feature to have a setting that enables this for classes/functions only, excluding enums. I know enums are classes in Python, but it would be a good thing not to have to remove the added parentheses after an enum name is auto-completed but keep that behaviour for classes and functions

davidhalter commented 6 months ago

After a small test, this is not a Jedi issue. Jedi has such a setting, but it only completes functions. The completeFunctionParens is probably a custom implementation of jedi-language-server or something like that. If you really feel like this is a Jedi issue, please try to write a reproducer with Jedi only.

Sorry I could not help. But this is probably an upstream issue.