davidhalter / pysible

Beautiful Pythonic Ansible
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

So publish it already... #2

Closed biggers closed 6 years ago

biggers commented 6 years ago

There's already at least one other project like this. Yours may have the value of "more simplicity". But who knows, we can't see it.

thank you.

davidhalter commented 6 years ago

I won't for now, it's not in a good state. Sorry. Shitty open source projects don't help the world. :) I think that maintenance of projects is really important. I'm not saying that I won't release it, but for the moment parso and jedi are eating too much of my time already.

There's probably quite a few projects like this one. Haha.

Doing what I did is probably taking you a day or a few. It's not that hard.